Sunday, December 9, 2012

An Anti Semitic monster ?


This rebel who made national headlines

He wrote how the Jews were a privileged class


A radical jeopardizes his future and his scholarships ?






Could This Be Just Another Phony " Hate Crime "

You would have to wonder how Duke would allow this ? Then I find out this rebel is an “ Uncle Tom “ who is on two scholarships and is President of a race relations committee.

Phil Kurian and his brother both go to Duke

My name is Philip Kurian, but most of my friends call me Phil. I am a student at Duke University, where I have the distinct privilege of being a Benjamin N. Duke Scholar.

Kurian, a public policy studies and physics major from South Carolina, is a former director of the Center for Race Relations, writes a column on race and other issues for The Chronicle and is a Black Student Alliance representative to the President's Council on Black Affairs.

With his scholarship, he hopes to obtain graduate degrees in law and education and said primary or secondary school teaching and possibly journalism are in his future.

"I am sure this scholarship will open doors wherever I decide to go, as Truman Scholars are working at almost every level of leadership in government, academia, journalism and the non-profit sector," Kurian said. "In addition to financial support for graduate school, the scholarship will (hopefully) help me cling to what little idealism I have left!"

Vitarelli is a New Jersey native with majors in public policy studies and economics. He currently serves as president of Campus Council and co-founded the Duke University Greening Initiative, an organization that seeks to promote environmental sustainability on campus. He said after law school he hopes to return to

New Jersey and become district attorney, modeling himself after celebrated New York district attorney Eliot Spitzer.

I smell chicken soup !! Source



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