Sunday, December 9, 2012

Baghdad Mosque Bomb Kills Seventeen Shiites

Killers Execute Fifty Sunnis In Broad Daylight Baghdad
Death Squads Target Sunnis

Mercenaries Disguised As Police Target Sunni Bus

Neocons/Zionists/Israel/Jews Are Behind This
On 7/8/2006, Mossad bomb Shiite mosques in Baghdad's  Sadr City, killing 17. The next day, Shiite gunman pulled Fifty Sunnis out of cars, and executed them on the street. Next they executed eight Sunnis in a bus.
The people behind this were the Interior Ministry special 'Death Squad' commandos. Bush sent two Americans who organized them, Israelis run them, and US taxpayers fund them. Israel wants a civil war where all the leaders and intelligentsia leave or kill each other, then they will install their puppets like they did in Jordan, and the oil will go to Haifa.

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