Saturday, December 29, 2012


The New Sturmer
Year 1999
Dear Friends!
In the aftermath of the tragedy at Colombine High School I would like to give you some of my thoughts on this tragedy and why it happened.
But first of all I would like to let you in on what I thought when I first heard about the shooting at Colombine.
Could this happen in Norway? I said, definitely NOT! In Norway we do not carry guns, our children and youths are not that fascinated by violence and weapons. Secondly I asked myself, could this have happened in Germany during the Third Reich? Once again I must say NO! THIS COULD NEVER HAVE HAPPENED IN GERMANY DURING THE HITLER ERA!!!
Why not?
Because Norway today and Germany then were countries with people all belonging to the same blood. But most of all because, this only for Germany during the third Reich, the Jews did not have the power to destroy the minds of young people with their filthy movies and dirty television and their low morals. It cannot happen in Norway even today, because we, as a people but not for much longer, are not yet undone by the evil Jews. But within a decade even Norway will see tragedies like the one at Colombine. This because the Jews are forcing us to allow aliens to come into our country, aliens that will destroy our Norwegian blood, our morale and our peace. We see it daily: increased criminality, increased drug use, increased smuggling of drugs and alcohol.
What was life like in Germany during the 30's and before 1945?
The young boys and girls were almost all members of the Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth) and Bund deutscher Mädels (Union of German Girls). Here the boys and the girls learned to take care of each other and their family and country. They learned they were part of a greater and proud community. They knew what they supported, and they were willing to sacrifice their lives for their people and their nation. (THIS EVENTUALLY HAPPENED TO A GREAT NUMBER OF THEM. But they sacrificed their lives in the hope of a better Europe and Germany.)

It is true that the word or term "democracy", whatever it really means, was alien to them. This term "democracy" is a Jewish term which they have imposed upon us, the non - Jews, and means nothing to any Teuton. The Teutons used to select their leaders from amongst the strongest men of the tribe, the county or the land. Teutons lived by laws written and unwritten that meant that honesty is what counts among men/women. Remember that if a Teuton had killed someone in a fight or if he had to slaughter someone's animal he used to tell this to the first man/woman he met after the fight/slaughter. He was then tried at the next "ting"/court. He accepted his sentence, he had no lawyer during the trial. He told what had happened and the reason for the killing/slaughter.

This is the Teuton which the Jews came upon when they entered our lands, Northern Europe. These are the people these scoundrels have been trying to destroy for the better part of the last two hundreds years.
The Jews themselves do not have a democracy within their community. They are governed by their rabbis, who are not elected. They rule by the power their fathers gave them.
In the Hitler Jugend or Bund deutsche Mädels the youth were fresh and free. They had no role models that ran amok in the streets killing innocent people or even killing enemies of their country or tribe. They spent their free time learning about the great men and women of their tribe and what they had done to help their country. They learned that only through their sacrifice would their country be a good land to live in for their children. They learned that only through them - the younger generation - not mixing with other races would Germany be great and have a place it deserved among other nations. This was some of the philosophy they learned. But they also learned first aid, how to survive in the wilderness, how to swim, what wild plants were edible. They learned to organize and to lead.
I hear you saying: They learned how to fight a war!
Bullsh...! They did not. It was not war that Hitler wanted. That is what the Jews want us to think! Cleanse your mind and start thinking! A man who wants to build a great nation for his people does not seek war, because war can and will destroy the nation he is building. But Hitler wanted Germany to regain the land she lost in the Jewish peace after WWI. Everybody who can read and is capable of thinking understands that. Hitler even said so. The Jews did not want Germany to regain her land - that is why they started a war against Germany and the German people.
Unfortunately - and because the Jews did not want a free, strong Teuton nation in Europe - all the dreams of these young persons had to be destroyed.
This is very much like life in Norway up until the 1970's. Young people thought very highly of their country. We had high morale and were proud of living in Norway. We were a little degenerate through Jewish movies and television, but we were proud of being Norwegian. We wanted our nation to prosper. Unfortunately this is no longer the case. Today young Norwegians think only of money and an easy life, of how they can con someone to provide the life the video screen shows them. Those who are aware of the oncoming tragedy for Norway are afraid to do what is necessary. They don't want to sit in jail for the next 10 years.


We must help our young boys and girls to find a way back to their ancestors and an honest life. We must bring them back from the Jewish illusion they are living in. Only by telling our younger generation what they have coming to them if they don't change course can we save our race and our nation.
We must win our youth back from the Jewish illusion and to our racial world. We must give them Goethe, Schiller, Shakspere, Bach, Beethoven, Wagner, Grieg, Hamsun and Ibsen instead of Harold Rubinstein and Elie Wiesel. We must give them back the love of our lore and fairytales instead of the illusions of Jewish Hollywood. We must show our youth that the old Teuton fairytales are better for their minds than the evil Jewish trash they are fed daily not only by TV but also by their teachers and other Jewish lackeys.
Unless we gain back our youth our world is lost. We or some of our descendants might sometime in the future win back what we lost, but that will not be easy. Our descendants will curse us for losing our land to the Jews. Therefore, let us help our youth in their battle for freedom and a Jew-free world.
How can we help our young boys and girls? By giving them money? No! We must support their effort to be Jew-free by allowing them to meet and to worship our old heroes, even if these heroes are the German soldiers from WWII. We must give our youth a chance to build their own future free of Jews. But first of all we must support their willingness to get the better of the Jews around us. Do this by helping them to organize and by giving them a chance to meet.
Help our youth in their struggle to become Jew-free. Let them come to your home for discussions and for learning. Let them be free in your house, free to express their thoughts and feelings. Help them to regain our land. Give them your moral support. Give them some money if you feel they need that, but by all means give them a place where they can meet and speak freely.
Many a young Hitler Jugend marched his first march with a hole in his shoe. Of course money for new shoes might have made the march easier for them, but it would not have helped them to understand why they marched. An old friend of mine marched with a hole in his shoes, he never forget the impression Hitler made on him, even though his feet hurt. He had seen his leader and was very happy. He loved him to his last day, he even lost an arm for him - and he was proud he had fought for his country to the very end when Jewish Soviet troops stood in Berlin. We must teach our youth to take back our abendland/our western land.
Heil og sael
Julius Streiker.
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