Friday, December 28, 2012

Bullying - a Social or Racial Problem?
The New Stürmer
Year 2002
"Jesus and Hitler told the Truth about the Jews."
Jesus said, "The Jews are liars, hypocrites, and deceivers." They twist the truth to their benefit and give us lies.
Dear kindred and fellow Aryans,
Before we start looking into this problem of bullying I will define what I mean by bullying:
Someone, individually or collectively, is being bullied or coerced, if they repeatedly, over a particular time frame, is being harassed and/or exposed to an overtly negative action from others, whether it be physical, mental or emotional
One might say, "That is just being an individual as being a part of any society in general." but is that a fact or is bullying a conduct brought into our world by a small minority for that minority to get power over our world?

This is certainly true to a certain extent, as we all have to conform to certain aspects of the rules of conduct, regulations and laws of one's society. In this sense, we are participating in a social role that conforms to our own culture. But what I am referring to is an overtly negative conduct on the part of a small minority of the population for purposes of gaining power over the rest of the population in our society, and in this particular case, also the world.
I intend to show you this type of bullying was brought upon us by a small group of evil predators to get us to bow down to their plunder of our world willingly or grudgingly.
Among the tribes of the Aryan peoples, bullying never happened. Why, you may ask? Because the Aryans were usually farmers and hunters. As such, they knew they had to depend on each other to survive and a people who must depend on each other to survive can not bully the persons they need to depend on for survival. Nomads, do not depend on anyone outside of the tribe to survive, in fact they must bully all and everyone outside the tribe to get fodder for their livestock. Jews are these such nomads I am referring to. If you go to the Talmud or the Tora, you will find a lot of evidence of the bullying of other tribes by these Jews. The Talmud even "demands" that these Jews are to bully "all" gentiles.
Bullying, or hazing in schools and at the workplace has over the last century, become a huge social problem - a problem we should take seriously. I am not referring to the hazing that most people think of. There will always be a schoolyard bully or a boss or coworker acting as a bully. This is the usually "social only" bully. But not always. But I am referring to a different form of bullying. Please read further. I will clarify what I mean.
How do I intend to prove the Jews are originally the bullies in "our" world? I have, for some years, studied Scandinavian literature and have discovered that bullying was not taken up by any novelists in their works, before the Jews were allowed entry into these Scandinavian countries. Why did I choose the Scandinavian countries for my research? Because Scandinavia was the only part of Europe were Jews were by law, forbidden to settle and/or enter into. Until 1851, no Jews were allowed to settle in Norway. Some twenty years earlier, in Sweden, Jews could only settle in certain cities. In Denmark, Jews were allowed to settle in 1814.
The first Norwegian novelist describing bullying was Bjoernson in a novel published in 1866 called Fiskarjenten. He describes bullying in a small fishing village on the west coast of Norway. If we then look into Norwegian history we will see that an organization of Norwegian workers had started around 1855 in various factories around Oslo and other towns in the southern part of the country. If we look deeper into their history, we see that behind these organizations, we find the crooked noses of the Jews.
We do find that bullying was not a behavour known to Norse sages, in fact they saw the need of behaving honourably as "a must" in connection with any people. For the Norse, and later for all Scandinavian people, the saying in "Havamal", was guidance. This is spelled out in the Norwegian Pedagogic book "Kongesepeilet" from circa 1200, a book which was telling a young man how to act if he should choose various occupations, such as a tradesman, or how a man who choose to be a king's-man should behave, the book also tells how a king should behave towards his people. A behaviour suitable for all occupations are summed up as: "Mannvit" a Norse word, meaning "good custom and modest manners."
If we look into the Norwegian folktales and legends, we find no trace of bullying being a known word or behaviour. On the contrary, they remind all people to behave sensible and good towards one another.    As the power of the Jews rose in all Scandinavia countries, bullying became more of a problem and is today, a very serious problem in schools and places of work. And I don't mean in the form of hazing, as in the schoolyard bully.
Let us now dwell further into history
In Rome, even Cicero was afraid of the Jews when he was defending Caesar in the parliament. He said to the judges:

"Thou knowest how numerous this tribe is, how united and how powerful in the assemblies. I will plead in a low voice so that only the judges may hear, for instigators are not lacking to stir up the crowd against me, and against all the best citizens. To scorn, in the interest of the Republic, this multitude of Jews so often turbulent in the assemblies shows a singular strength of mind. The money is in the Treasury; they do not accuse us of theft; they seek to stir up hatreds..." [--]Pro Flacco, Cicero
Even Cicero, the mighty senator, was afraid of the power of the Jews and their willingness to go after any man who opposed them and their power. If that is not bullying, I ask "What is?"
I know we could quote from many a man who has been bullied by the evil Jews. Now let us look at what happened as Henry Ford, Sr. started to warn his fellow Americans against the evils which were about to take over the power in the USA.
Ford did not want his workers to join up in any trade unions because he knew the Jews were behind these unions and because he knew the unions were not there for the benefit of the workers. They were there to give the Jews power over the US industry. Ford's workers received better pay than other workers in the automobile industry. They also received better benefits and still the Jews demanded the unions to be brought into Ford's factories. When Ford said no to the unions, Jews hired the Jewish mobs to attack not only Ford's factories but also his workers. They could not "get to" Ford or his factories through their banks, so in order to force him to accept the unions and stop the publication of his personally owned newspaper, "The Dearborn Independent", they blocked him from sending cars to the market and from getting parts into the factories for further production. This blocking was carried out by the Jewish controlled mob from New York, Chicago and Detroit. In order to provide work for his workers, as well as survive, Ford had to allow the unions to organize the workers and the Jews to get shares in his companies.
The "New York Herald" was an independent American newspaper which was warning the American public against the growing power of the Jews. Since the owner did not allow the Jews to buy shares and did not want to stop his articles on the power of the Jews, this evil group forced the advertisers to stop all advertising in the "New York Herald". This finally brought down the "New York Herald" and the Jews could buy up the newspaper and make it their own propaganda paper.
We all know what happened as Germany, after 1933 wanted to be independent of the Jews who had forced the country nearly to bankruptcy. The Jewish owned media started a smear campaign. Not only towards Germany, but also against the elected chancellor, Hitler. They even declared a war on Germany in March 1933 to threaten Germany into doing what the international Jews wanted. And even to this day these predators go ater Germany when ever even one of them feels the urge for some easy money.

Recently we have seen how seen how various Jewish groups are bullying their way into businesses all around the world. To this day, they are using the military power of the USA to place their own people in leading positions all over the world. They even threaten Sadam Husein with war if he does not do as they want. If that is not harassment I can not what this is. ????
Look to the Palestinians. Here the Jews are bullying a nation of people in order to force the people tp give in to the Jews.
If you notice Jewish television programs as most of them in the USA are, they are all built around bullying of gentile and good treatment of Jews. These programs are what the Jews want our children to watch, in order to teach them and to accept this Jewish bullying. Jewish moderators and TV programs portray blonde girls and women as stupid. Recently they have started to show serial killers as white blond, blue eyed men.
"We" should attack "them" for intimidating us and our race!
How can we rid ourselves of bullying?
By exposing the Jewish hand behind all bullying, we can help not only ourselves, but all people in the world. We must awaken all of our countrymen/-women to loose the fear of the Jews. Only by exposing the evil ones can we rid ourselves of them.
After exposing the Jews as the world intimidators we must start educating our children on proper behaviour. We must bring them back to the ways of upbringing of our forefathers.
We must take away the upbringing and educating of our children from these Jewish pedagogues. These Jewish pedagogues have been trained not to stop the bullying or even to minimize it. We must stop the evil treatment of our children by these Jewish lackeys and their dogma.
The next time your child is being bullied at school by these Jewish pedagogues you must act and demand the teacher to stop acting on behalf of the Jewish mob. You must demand that your child shall not have to go to any of the Jewish holocaust memorials. If you allow your child to go visit any of them, you let the Jews continue with their bullying of your race.
The holocaust memorials are there only to force your children and you into looking upon the Jews as persecuted, but in fact we, the Aryan people, are the ones who are persecuted by the evil Jews.
Let us stop the Jews from destroying our world.
I hope I have answered the question regarding bullying being a social or racial problem. To me it is a racial one. A problem which only can be solved by exposing it as a Jewish way of intimidating us.
In the face of Chutzpah, Jewish audacity and swindle, resistance must be a national duty.
Heil og sael!
Retur to Top of 2002 Edition

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