Friday, December 28, 2012

Attacking our Lifes
The New Stürmer
Year 2001
Dear kindred and fellow Aryans
All of our public life can be compared with a greenhouse to poisoning our souls. Wherever we turn, whatever we look at and whatever monthly magazine we look at we are faced with Jewish sexual lust. Just look at the movies, theatres, burlesque theatres, look at the advertisements for clothes - all over do we meet meanness and frugality to attract our attention. Such advertising and films are destroying our youth. In show windows and posters the most base methods are used to draw our interest. This carnal atmosphere gives the youth feelings which they should not have.
The above sentences are from Adolf Hitler's book "Mein Kampf"  
Hitler points to the Jews as being responsible for these amoral advertisements and movies. In Germany before and after WW1, the Jewish influence on all aspects of life had lead to a decline in the moral life of Germans. If that was the case in Germany, it was also the case in many other countries inhabited by our race. He saw that the Jews, with their brothels and prostitution, had spread syphilis among the German population. He wanted to eradicate that and all other sexually transmitted diseases.
 Since WW2 the promotion of immorality has increased - now immorality is brought into our homes through television, records, CDs and the Internet. We have been introduced to a new disease transmitted through sexual contact: HIV and/or AIDS. I don't know much about these diseases, but I'll bet you that the first people who had them were Jews, and I'll further bet you that these diseases are mostly spread among the Jewish population. The Khazars were known for their debauched sexual lives. That, and for trading in prostitutes, a trade in which they have remained active to this day; just read "Prostitution and Prejudice" by the Jew Edward Bristove. In this book he describes how Jews from Eastern Europe used to trade prostitutes with their racial brothers from Western Europe before WW2. The center of that trade was a small Polish town called Oswiecim - a town known to you under the name Auschwitz. (No wonder they wanted that town known for something else after WW2.)
Regarding prostitution, the Germans started cleaning it up during their 12 years in power. They even began cleansing Germany of another Jewish disease: homosexuality.
The prostitutes were incarcerated in a camp called Ravensbrueck, a camp north of Berlin and east of Wolfsburg. During the Weimar Republic it was easy for the Jews to force German women into prostitution. There was no work for young women, and the cost of living was very high. You know how hard it was; just review history to find out. That hardship was brought upon the German people by the Jews.
The experience the Jews have from hundreds of years of attacking us they now use today to finish us off. They attack every corner of our lives. Starting in the kindergarten by telling children not to listen to what their parents tell them, and going further in the schools by taking away their education in Christianity, they forbid the singing of our psalms and praying in school. They have even taken away physical education for all and replaced it with specialized athletic training for a select few - those who want to go into sports for the Jewish teams. In order for a race/people to be healthy and fit, the body of each of their youth must be strong and fit. This is something which our youth can achieve through physical training, and such training should start in the school. Not all of our youth are strong enough to strengthen their bodies by themselves. When these young men and women learn at a very young age to strengthen their bodies, they become able to withstand all of the suffering which they might meet later in life.
The Jewish attacks on our life is not limited to what I have written above. Very late in the last century, they started promoting their own art, Dadaism and Cubism. These forms of art are only for Jews; they are the only ones able to discern anything beautiful in such paintings. Their publications applauded the artists who painted, and their art dealers priced the paintings very high. The Jews should have remembered what Moses told them after he came down from Mt. Sinai: Moses destroyed their golden calf, not only because they should not have other gods, but because the calf was so deformed that it did not resemble a calf.
In music, the Jews inundated us with nigger-music and dictated that this was what we should like. (Yes, I know that many Jews play classical music, but many more Jews play Jazz and other music which is not of our race. No music can be compared to Brahms, Beethoven, Mozart, just to name a few of the composers I like). Yes, I do not turn off the radio if Ella Fitzgerald or Louis Armstrong is played, but I prefer classical music or folk music, the music of our race.
In literary work, our race was attacked by Jewish writers who gave us a new and insane world, a world not like what our authors used to write about. None of these Jewish authors or their imitators could write anything comparable to Goethe, Schiller, Shakespeare, Dickens, Hamsun or Ibsen.
The Jews have not been able to produce writers like those mentioned above, nor have they produced philosophers like Socrates, Kant, Berkley, Locke, Hegel or Schoppenhauer, just to mention some of the great minds of our race.
Before Christmas last year, the Jews introduced a new game which was for children to play among themselves. The game was based on the television series "Friends". Here the children were asked how long ago they had masturbated or had sex. The game was to be used by children as young as 7 years. This game aroused a lot of debate in Scandinavia. Some shops did not want to sell it, but none of the producers took it off their production. WHY? Because their Jewish masters and the freemasons had told them that the game was right.
I could go on informing you of how the Jews attack our minds and morals. I leave it up to you to uncover other ways in which they do this.
What we must do is to protect our children against all Jewish attacks on our Christian society, be they against our moral or Christian beliefs. We can do so by reading the fairy tales of our race, the Grimm Brothers, or the Sagas of the Vikings; even the Bible is good for our children as long as they know that the Jews of the Bible are not today's Jews.
We should teach our children to seek authors of our race, authors who write about our race and the problems which our race has faced, or how we used to live. There are many good books written about our race. We do not need to feed our children with Jewish trash. By reading for/to our children we even teach them not to sit in front of the Jewish mirror, television.
"Mein Kampf" is better for our children than any of the books written by or for Jews and their lemmings.
We should write letters to all television stations regarding the trash they broadcast. We should write letters demanding programs which address problems other than those common among Jews. I have done so. I have not received any answers yet, but I have pissed off a lot of the Jewish lemmings.
I am thankful to you for sharing these words with me. I trust that you know how to help your children and grandchildren to protect themselves from the Jewish attack on our morals and life.

Heil og sael (Stay united and healthy )

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