Saturday, December 29, 2012

Do We Have to Keep on Fighting the Jewish Hoax?

The New Stürmer  -  Year 2003

The Rebbe leaned forward as if to measure me up and said with more than anger:  "That means you are writing lies!"  I did not answer immediately. The scolded child within me had nothing to say in his defence. Yet, I had to justify myself: "Things are not that simple, Rebbe,  some events do take place but are not true; others are - although they never occurred."  From Elie Wiesel's book "Legend of our time," New York, 1982.

I am a survivor of the ethnic cleansing which the Jews have imposed on all Aryan nations for the past 60 years. Please help me and all my fellow Aryans to keep on surviving as Aryans. Please help our children to survive.

Please forward this article to all your friends.

Dear kindred and fellow Aryans,

I  said some years ago we did not have to hammer on the fact that the Germans did not gas Jews during WW2.  We should find other ways to fight the Jews. I regret that the Jews do not agree with me, they keep on hammering us about the gassing and they keep on attacking us as if they never had heard any of our proofs regarding what happened in Germany between 1933 and ‘45.  So if we intend to give our children a better world we must keep on fighting the hoax about the gassing of Jews during WW2.  Only by fighting the hoax can we give our children a better world.   But let us first look back in history.

Start of Zionism

  Jew and Zionist Theofor Herzl

About 106 years ago the Zionists held their first meeting in Basel, Switzerland.  This meeting led by Theodor Herzl  is by all Jews referred to as  the First Zionist World Congress.  During this congress the Zionists first raised the question of a homeland, Israel, for all Jews - this question has since then constantly been repeated by the Zionists until they in 1948 were given a state of their own in what up till then was Palestine. Ever since 1897 the Zionists had set their greedy eyes on Palestine for the establishment of a Jewish state. This regardless of the fact that Palestine never was theirs.  Jews had lived in Palestine but never alone and never as the sole rulers.

The book "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" is a  report of what took place during the first Zionist meeting in Basel August 29 to 31 of 1897. The Jews have never admitted the authenticity of the protocols, but no one who has read the protocols and reflects on the events of the last century can doubt that what is predicted in them has happened.


During the first decade of the last century the Zionists did what they could to persuade various nations to agree to give the Jews a sovereign state.  But none of the European nations was willing to give up land they controlled, not even England which had been ruled by Jews for more than one century was willing to give away land.  As part of their drive for a state of their own the Zionists drove the world into a war.  The war is known to us as WW1.  By reading the Protocols you will learn that Jews are willing to start wars to get their will.
Great Britain and France declared in 1915 war on Austria and Germany. The real reason behind that declaration was to meet the demands of the Jewish-controlled freemasons of the world.  Do not ever believe the sole reason for the war was the assassination of an Austrian prince in Sarajevo.
The British and their henchmen did not succeed in destroying Germany and Austria. In order to get help from the USA the British government turned to Britain's Zionists led by Lord Rothschild.  But the Jew did not want to help unless the British promised the Zionists a part of Palestine for a Jewish state.  Of course the Jews got their promise and the USA came in on the British/French side of the war. On November 2. 1917, the Balfour Declaration was signed by Arthur James Balfour,  promising the Zionists/Jews a sovereign state in Palestine.  For those interested in the text of the Balfour Declaration just send me an e-mail and I will send it to you.

The British had however promised the Arabs never to let Jews establish a state in Palestine.  This promise was given to the Arabs in return for them not helping Germany/Austria in the ongoing war.

The first holocaust lies

As we all know, the Zionists/Jews did not get their state in 1919, but that did not stop the sons of Satan from driving for such a state.  To help them in their devilish plan the Jews started a newspaper campaign claiming Jews were persecuted and starved in Europe. See the American Hebrew of October 31, 1919, article by former governor Martin H Glynn, The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop. In that article Glynn claims that 6 million Jews are about to die in a holocaust.

The Jews did not succeed in getting their slimy hands on Palestine, whatever they did during the 1920s and ‘30s. To persuade the world to give the Jews/Zionists a state, various Zionists planted lies about the situation for the Jews in Germany:

On March 15, 1937, Dr. Joseph Tenenbaum said during a mass demonstration in New York against Germany:  "Nobody can be safe from the Nazi-holocaust!"

In 1936 Chaim Weizmann said:  "6,000,000 have been sentenced to prison, where nobody wants to be!”

In December 1938, three Jewish organizations claimed that 6,000,000 Jews were being politically persecuted and were in economic distress in Central and Middle Europe.  (See The New York Times, January 13, 1939.)

The number of Jews in Central and Middle Europe before WW2 was less than 3 million. Refer to the American Jewish Committee Bureau of the Synagogue Council of 1939. The Zionists should therefore explain to us how 6,000,000 Jews could be sentenced to prison/politically persecuted when less than 3 million Jews lived in all of Europe and only some 500,000 of them lived in Germany.


We have all read and heard about the Zionist/Jewish lies regarding the gassing of Jews in Germany, Austria and Poland during WW2.  First they claimed Jews were gassed in concentration camps in Germany. Then suddenly they changed that and told us there never were any such camps inside the border of Germany, but the camps in Poland had gas chambers where Jews were gassed. The casualties - as revisionists have proved - never were gassed - they died from lack of food and medicine.  Reason for the death of Jews and other groups working in the German war industry was that Germany at the end of the war could not bring medicine and food to the camps due to bombed railroads.
I do not need to tell you this - you know the reasons as well as I do.

After WW2

In 1948 the Zionists got their state Israel declared by the Zionist organisation the United Nations. Israel was declared to be the Jewish state without any international laws or without asking the Palestinians if they wanted to give up their land to the Jews/Zionists.  For any international organisation to give a sovereign state or part of such state to a foreign people is illegal according to all international laws, but such laws do apparently  not apply when it comes to the Zionists.
Ever since 1948 the Zionists have forced politicians in all western countries to act as if Israel was established according to recognised laws.

Furthermore, the Zionists have blackmailed all western politicians to protect the holocaust lies. In most European countries any person saying there never was a holocaust will be imprisoned up to five years.  Every western politician has staked his political life on the Jewish lie, the so-called holocaust.

Every western prime minister or president, as his first official function, must visit a holocaust museum or visit Israel to show he understands who his/her masters really are.

These slimy disloyal politicians, Zionists, have given financial support to Israel in the amount of over US$200 billion.  Money the people never would have given had they known about the Jewish/Zionist hoax.

What will happen if the people learn the truth?

Should all western people learn the real truth about the Zionist lies, every politician would be out of work and would be put on trial for lying.   Furthermore, Israel would be bankrupt the same day.

If you think of the consequence the truth would have on politicians in the western world you understand why they protect the hoax.

What I do not understand is that any man/woman would sell out their country to such a devious state as Israel. Neither do I understand that any politician would betray his country by telling lies to accommodate Zionist blackmail of his country and his fellow countrymen.

I hope you will do your utmost to help the western world out of the Zionist/Jewish grip. We can only give our children and children's children a free world to live in when the Zionist lies are uncovered.

In the face of Chutzpah, Jewish audacity and swindle, resistance must be a national duty.

Heil og sael

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