Saturday, December 29, 2012

Ethnic Cleansing of Aryans
The New Stürmer - Year 2003

I am a survivor of the ethnic cleansing which the Jews have imposed on all Aryan nations for the past 60 years. Please help me and all my fellow Aryans to keep on surviving as Aryans. Please help our children to survive.

Please forward this article to all your friends

Dear kindred and fellow Aryans,

For the last 50 years the Jews and their lackeys have exposed all Aryan nations to ethnic cleansing - a cleansing never seen in the history of mankind before. During WW2 more than 20 million Germans were killed by the Jews and their allies. Additionally, some 10 million Aryans fighting for the Jews were killed. All this killing was part of the Jewish wish to get rid of all Aryans, especially those of German descent.

But worse than the killing during WW2 was the ethnic cleansing that took place after WW2. The Jews forced people of Aryan blood to move away from their homeland - a homeland their families had had for more than 300 years.

How have the Jews and their lackeys carried out their ethnic cleansing? It all started after WW2 as the Jews demanded all Germans living in Eastern Europe be moved from their homeland to Germany. This was part of the Morgenthau Plan, a plan launched by former US Secretary Morgenthau. The plan was to transform Germany into a small agricultural country with some 20 million inhabitants. As Jews understood this and other plans they had produced could not be carried, out they decided to cleanse Germany of German blood by forcing immigration of non-Germans into Germany.

The ethnic cleansing in Germany is well-known to most people. But have you heard of the cleansing which has been going on in the Scandinavian countries? I guess not.


During the 1920s and ‘30s communist and liberal propagandists spoke about free abortion for women. In all the countries these propagandists were either Jews or had been trained by Jewish agents with the sole purpose of destroying the unique blood of the Scandinavians.

Fortunately for Scandinavia the propaganda did not lead to free abortion in any country until the mid-’60s. Today about 50,000 children are killed each year - and all this to serve the Jewish need to kill German blood.

For the whole of Europe I estimate the killing to be about 1 million children.

Scandinavians an endangered species

In all of Scandinavia live some 22 million Scandinavians. Not all of them have pure Germanic blood, but most do. As such, the population of Scandinavia is in danger. Such a population cannot absorb any foreign blood. In spite of this the Jews and their lackeys have allowed more than 5 million non-Germans to immigrate. Most of these immigrants are Pakistanis, Blacks and Vietnamese. In addition every Scandinavian country has allowed adoption of children from China, Korea and Chile. As the immigrants bear more children than the ethnic Scandinavians, the immigrants will outnumber us very soon. In addition we have all the foreigners marrying Scandinavians - marriages which are promoted by the politicians and the media.

The politicians have made laws making it illegal to distance oneself from both the immigrants as well as the adopted children. If any of the foreigners feel he/she is not wanted he/she can have the police take you to court - and you will be fined.

Some days ago a building entrepreneur refused to build a garage for a Pakistani. The entrepreneur said Pakistanis were Moslems and Moslems had  threatened Norway with terror.  (Some newspapers in Saudi Arabia had printed a threat from a member of Al Qaeda, saying Norway should be looked upon the same as the JSA, JK and Australia.)    The building entrepreneur will be taken to court where he will lose and must pay the Pakistani money.

Even though the number of Scandinavians is counted in millions, each and every one of them is a rare species.  But unfortunately none of the politicians understand that.


Among the Scandinavian countries Iceland is special and has always been. As the JSA needed an airbase in the Northern Atlantic during WW2 they approached the politicians of Iceland, this even though Iceland was a part of Denmark at that time.  The JSA were granted an airbase, but only if no Negroes ever stayed at the airbase. The Jewish leadership agreed and got their airbase. In the mid-’50s Negro soldiers were seen by some Icelanders at the base. The chief officer of the base was asked to see the President; Iceland was by then an independent republic. The president asked the chief officer and the JS ambassador when they were going to shut down the base - as they had brought Negroes to Iceland.   That night the Negroes were sent off the base, and no JS Negroes entered Iceland any more.

But in light of the ethnic cleansing even Iceland has been forced to allow immigration from third world countries.

In Iceland you can find the descendants of the horses the Vikings used. Iceland is in fact the only country in the world where such horses are common. To protect these horses and their blood Iceland has a law stating:  "If a horse leaves Iceland for any reason it cannot return."

But Iceland has no laws preventing its citizens from mixing blood with people from the   In fact in 1970 Niggers were allowed to live in Iceland, they are conditioned the youth of Iceland to embrace and even celebrate nigger culture (music, partying!!! .  Third World. In fact if anybody should propose such a law that person would be taken to court. For your information Iceland has a population of some 600,000. Such a small population is very vulnerable when it comes to immigration. Immigration of people from any Scandinavian country would not hurt Iceland as long as those immigrants have Scandinavian blood.

Immigration a way to destroy a nation

If polar bears on Greenland were about to go extinct, would you import black bears and let them propagate with the polar bears? Of course not.  Such a propagation would create a new species.  But the Jews and their lackeys say it is OK for Norwegians, Swedes, Danes, Fins and Icelanders to mix with Negroes, Pakistanis and any other race/nation.

The world is protecting animals in danger of dying out

If an animal is in danger of becoming extinct the whole world does whatever it can to protect that species. But nothing is done to prevent the Scandinavians from being destroyed by immigration.

If any flower is about to be destroyed even the Jews are willing to spend money to protect it.

But nobody minds when the Jews and their lackeys destroy the German and other Aryan people. The Scandinavians are about to be destroyed - not only by immigration, but by the Jewish policy of free abortion. How long will you stand around doing nothing to help?

Let us use the Internet to expose the Jews as the destroyers of our blood. They protect their own blood - but destroy ours.

I hope you all will do your utmost to help me save the Aryan blood from the war of extermination which the Jews and their lackeys are conducting on us. Please inform all your friends that we must start to fight back now before the last survivors are standing on the brink of being destroyed.

The UN and many other organisations fight for animals, trees and flowers. No organisation fights for the survival of the Aryan blood. Start your organisation today!!!

In the face of Chutzpah, Jewish audacity and swindle, resistance must be a national duty.

Heil og sael


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