Monday, December 31, 2012

Germany and the Jewish Problem.
By The Deutschlands Dossier

Before Auschwitz.

The following contains excerpts from the document "Germany and the Jewish Problem" by Dr. F. K. Wiebe of the Institute for the Study of the Jewish Problem, Berlin, which was originally prepared under the auspices of the German Government, that was in power from 1933 - 1945. However, under the current German laws this material absolutely may not be distributed in Germany. This material is being republished for historical and research purposes only. The intention of republishing parts of this material is to give the reader a rare chance to acquaint himself with the Jewish Problem, as seen by the National Socialist Government:

"The greater part of that kind of dealing (usury) fell everywhere into the hands of the Jews, who,
being already infamous on account of their religion, had no honour to lose, and were apt to exercise a profession,
odious in itself, by every kind of rigour, and even sometimes by rapine and extortion."

Ever since the day when the National Socialists came into power in Germany, thereby placing the solution of the Jewish problem in the forefront of German politics, public opinion the world over has become increasingly interested in that problem. Anti-Semitism has been frequently described as a phenomenon exclusively confined to Germany, as a National Socialist invention, which must necessarily remain incomprehensible to the rest of the world. But today it is evident that the Jewish question is by no means a purely German question that it causes on the grave anxiety to statesmen in many countries, and that in many lands a pronounced anti-Jewish reaction has already set in. We do not propose to inquire, for a moment, wether these phenomena are a result of the example set by Germany. It is sufficient to register the fact that the Jewish question has, or is about to become everywhere acute, and that there is scarcely a country nowadays which does not find

Hence everyone who discusses Germany's attitude towards the Jewish question is at the same time dealing with an important problem of contemporary international politics, and, having regard to its far-reaching significance, is in duty bound to carefully investigate that question.

It is a mistake to believe that the Jewish question has only arisen within the last few years, or, indeed, that its origin is to be thought in modern times. The Jewish question is not an invention of National Socialism, nor is it derived from the antisemitic movements that marked the close of the nineteenth century. If National Socialism can lay claim to any originality in this matter, then only because the National Socialist Party was the first to deduce the logical conclusions from a historical fact. The present German attitude towards the Jewish question is based on the experience made by Europe in the course of two thousand years. And this experience has been a particularly bad one for Germany, especially during the last few decades.

The Jewish question undoubtedly goes back some two thousand years. Strictly speaking it is even older -- namely, as old as the history of the Jews. The Jewish question arises everywhere, where the nomadic Jewish race comes into contact with other peoples having a settled abode. The historical fact is admitted by the Jews themselves. The Jüdische Lexikon (Jewish encyclopaedia), which is the Standard work of the German Jews -- published long before the advent of National Socialism to power -- confirms the historical continuity of the Jewish question throughout the century when it writes (vol. III, column 421):

"This Jewish problem is as old as the association of the pronouncedly differentiated and dissimilar Jewish people with other peoples."

It is a unique, and in the last resort inexplicable phenomenon, that on the one hand the Jews have never been able to find a permanent home in which to develop a political and social existence "sui generis," while on the other hand they have never proved capable of being absorbed by any of the innumerable countries in which they have sought hospitality.

This peculiar destiny of the Jews is, however, subject to variations. But these variations, in their turn, are only the perpetual ebbing and flowing of an unbroken tide. There were times in which the Jewish problem appeared to have become completely assimilated and to have lost their distinct ethnically personality. In such halcyon days no Jewish problem seemed to exist. But sooner or later the illusion was dispelled and after many years of comparative rest and quiet Ahasuerus was compelled to again resume eternal wanderings.

The first expulsions of Jews on a large scale occurred already in the earliest history of Palestine. 700 years before the Christian era, the Assyrian King Sarrukin forced the Jews to leave the country and his example was followed in 586 BC by King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. Persecutions in Alexandria and the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans in AD 70 opened a period in which the Jewish question was not less acute than it is today. Further milestones in the eternal wanderings of the Jews are the crusades, the expulsion of the Jews from England under Edward I in 1290 and their expulsion from Spain under Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic in 1492. There is not a single century in which an expulsion of Jews has not taken place. Every nation in Europe has sought to preserve itself against Jewish domination by all means at its disposal.

It is an incontrovertible historical fact that those peoples with a settled abode who throughout the ages afforded hospitality to nomadic Jewish tribes, invariably regarded the latter as an essentially dissimilar race and not merely as a different religious community. Hence hospitality was only granted to the Jews under special conditions. It is interesting to observe in this connection that in every case where a European State was weak and financially impoverished, the restrictions imposed on the Jews were greatly relaxed and eventually abrogated. The numerical preponderance of the Jews in Eastern Europe -- which has become the reservoir of Jewry in modern times -- is to a large extent attributable to the political and financial weakness of the former Kingdom of Poland.

The opening of the so-called "modern era" seemed nevertheless to herald a period of permanent peace and rest for the hitherto restless wandering Jew. It was the era of enlightenment, of liberalism, of belief in the ideals of progress and the rights of man. Conformably with the principles in vogue in this era, the Jews only differed by their religion from other citizens and as such enjoyed equality with the adherents of other religious bodies. They were no longer considered as appertaining to a different race, in other words as strangers. Differentiation on ethnically grounds between the Jews and the native population was on principle abolished by the French Revolution, and this principle was adhered to alike by the legislation and the social custom of ensuing decades.

The nineteenth century was thus dominated by the tenet of the emancipation and assimilation of the Jews. It was considered best not even to mention the Jewish question and to act as if such a question did not exist. In the countries of Western Europe the Jews were animated by an intense desire for assimilation. Conversions and mixed marriages were the principal means employed by the Jews for acquiring, in the words of Heinrich Heine, himself a Jew, an "admission ticket to European culture", and thereby acquiring a preponderating influence in political, cultural, and economic life. It should be added that a number of Jews were inspired by a sincere desire to through-off their skin and obliterate as far as possible their hereditary tracks.

The process of assimilation reached its culminating point in the first three decades of the first twentieth century, during which Israel became King of the Western world. But it cannot be reasonably doubted that this epoch has clearly perceived the inevitability of a reaction. Forty years ago a leading German Jew, Dr. Walter Rathenau, in a book entitled "Höre, Israel", had criticised the policy of assimilation and uttered a warning for the benefit of those of his co-racists who occupied, or were about to occupy, prominent position in Germany.

"They apparently do not even dream," wrote Rathenau, "that only in an epoch in which all the forces of Nature are artificially enchained, can they be protected against that, which their fathers endured."

That modern Jewry did not heed the many warning voices in its own ranks affords another proof of the fact that the Children of Israel have not learnt, or wish to learn, the lessons taught by their own fate -- that they are blind to the errors so often committed by themselves in their self-complacency. It is also typical of the Jewish mind that even Walter Rathenau himself failed to draw the logical consequences from his own perception of ultimate events.

Some forty years ago a comparatively small number of Jews, headed by Dr. Theodore Herzl, founded what is known as the Zionist movement in the conscious recognition of the uselessness -- nay, harmfulness - of the "assimilation policy," and of the consequences that were bound to follow. The Zionist movement represented an effort to avoid those consequences.

Influenced by the anti-Semitic movement that arose in France at the close of the nineteenth century in connection with the Dreyfus case, Herzl proclaimed to his co-racists the doctrine:

"Return to Palestine."

Such a doctrine, although backed by an energy inspired by Herzl's lofty persuasive idealism, appeared nothing short of astonishing at a time when the so-called "assimilation policy" had reached its zenith. Hence it was explicable that Herzl's exhortation found a resounding echo chiefly among the great mass of East European Jews, in Jewry's immense reservoir in Poland, Lithuania, and Rumania. These Jews had never had any share in the benefits of emancipation and "assimilation." Their economic and social position was as a general rule unsatisfactory, and their political situation was such as to render them particularly susceptible to an appeal to found their own national home in an independent Jewish State.

But despite their numerical superiority, these East European Jews were of minor importance from the point of view of the realisation of Herzl's ambitious plans, for they lacked both economic and political significance. Economically and politically, the influence of the West European and North American Jews was decisive, and for these the novel doctrine preached by Herzl was like unto the seed sown on rocky and hence unfruitful ground. Blinded by the alluring glitter of an artificial "golden age, the Western Jews had only an ironically smile for what they considered as the vagaries of Zionism, to which, moreover, they were profoundly hostile. And even after this much derided Zionism had assumed a more or less concrete shape in the following decades, the participation of Western Jews in the movement was almost exclusively confined to financial support. Practical Zionists among them were very few in number.

On the other hand, Herzl's plan to establish a Jewish National Home soon awaken great interest among Western nations which had the questionable privilege of harbouring the descendants of Abraham. Already in 1903 Joseph Chamberlain - the father of the present Prime Minister - in his capacity as Colonial Secretary, submitted, on behalf of the British Government, a plan for establishing a Jewish settlement on a large scale in Uganda. The realisation of this practical plan, which was laid before the Zionist Congress in Basel, was frustrated by the doctrinaire attitude of the Zionists, who insisted on an exclusive settlement of the Jews in Palestine.

It will thus be seen that the British Government recognised expressly the existence of the Jewish question, and the necessity of its solution, at a time when believe in the blessings of an "assimilation of the Jewish race" prevailed without contestation in Germany.

In 1917 Zionism won a decisive victory with the publication of the Balfour Declaration by the British Government, which promised unreserved British support of the endeavour to create a Jewish National Home in Palestine. The fulfilment of this promise began shortly after the Great War. But after the lapse of twenty years the failure of the effort is obvious. In the light of experience, Herzl's scheme has been proved impracticable. Herzl did not foresee the wave of anti-Semitism, which is now sweeping over Europe - or, at any rate, did not calculate its rapidity.

It is not necessary to discuss here recent events in Palestine, which are not the first of their kind, since Palestine has been in a condition of chronic unrest from the first day when the Jews entered the country. Even if the existing difficulties in Palestine were to be surmounted, the objections which have invariably been raised against the utopian theories of Zionism would continue to retain their validity, if only for the following reasons, which are best enumerated seriatim:

1) In the mandated territory of Palestine, Jewry would necessarily be dependent on the Mandatory State. It would depend on the favour of the Mandatory State, i.e. on the alternating currents of political evolution.

2) Up to now, the Zionist movement has succeeded in settling some 400.000 Jews in Palestine. On the other hand, Palestine counts over 900.000 Arab inhabitants, whose forefathers have lived in the country for more than thousand years. The Arabs contest -- and rightly contest -- the Jewish claim to regard Palestine as a Jewish National Home. And behind the Palestinian Arabs are 32 million Arabs in the Near East and Egypt. Whatever agreement may be reached regarding a delimitation of the respective rights, it is safe to say that under existing circumstances the creation of a Jewish State in Palestine of any dimensions worth mentioning, or, indeed, of any viable Jewish State at all, is more than hypothetical.

3) The exodus of the Jews from Palestine began 2000 years ago. Since then the Jews have had no contact whatsoever with the country in which they now seek to establish their domination.

4) The Jews who are now endeavouring to create a Jewish State in Palestine have long since ceased to have any common culture. In the course of its wanderings, the Jewish race has lost its cultural autonomy -- if exception be made of the Jewish religion, which has also been abandoned by the hundreds of thousands of "assimilated Jews." On the other hand it has absorbed any amount of heterogeneous cultural elements. The Jews are not even united by the tie of a common language, since only a small minority has a knowledge of Hebrew, whilst Yiddish is spoken almost exclusively by the East European Jews.

5) The utopian character of the proposal to constitute a Jewish State in Palestine is, perhaps best proved by a study of the structure of Jewish communities in other lands, which shows that the Jews are solely adapted to certain conditions of urban life, and that they lack, in general, all capacity for agriculture or manual labour.

Having regard to these circumstances, it cannot be seriously doubted that the plan of creating a Jewish State in Palestine is entirely utopian. Only a more or less insignificant fraction of the sixteen million odd orthodox Jews in the world could ever hope to find a home in Palestine. Theodore Herzl's plan for enabling the Jews to escape the threatening peril of anti-Semitism has proved impracticable and has not succeeded in solving the Jewish problem. --

Thus what we may call the "assimilation era" has come to an end after about 150 years, without any possibility for the Jews to escape in time the inevitable consequences of an unavoidable reaction..

There can be no doubt whatever that the counter-current of anti-Semitism is rapidly increasing in strength the world over. Even a cursory glance at the papers of many lands suffices to show that the responsible leaders of states in all corners of the globe are compelled in varying degrees to take account of this phenomenon. Foreign critics who maintain that anti-Semitism is limited to Germany may be reminded of the well known words of the Zionist champion Dr. Chaim Weizmann that the world is divided into two groups, namely,

Countries, which desire to expel the Jews, and those, which do not desire to receive them.

.......This was clearly shown at the international conference at Evian, convened in the summer 1938 for the purpose of dealing with the problem of Jewish emigration, but which failed to achieve any concrete result for the reason that none of the numerous States represented at the conference was willing to declare its readiness to admit Jewish refugees.

It has been proved beyond any possibility of a doubt that Jewish refugees, fleeing before the menace of anti-Semitism in the lands in which they were formerly domiciled, bring with them the deadly anti-Semitic bacillus into the promised land in which they had fondly hoped to found a new home. Thereby is once more proved the fact, solidly established by the experience of millenniums, that Jewry and anti-Semitism are interchangeable terms, that the Wandering Jew is himself the carrier and transmitter of the antisemitic germ. Hence it is explicable that in countries in which anti-Semitism was formerly unknown, and to which Jewish emigrants have recently flocked, anti-Semitism currents should have been created, sufficiently strong for no Government to be able to ignore them.

.......Indeed, it is scarcely surprising that Germany's policy towards the Jews should have had such a resounding echo throughout the world. Germany is suffering the fate of all those, who, whether nations or individuals, have sufficient courage and sense of responsibility to practise and defend a conviction fundamentally opposed to the dominating principles of the times. No great human achievement has been accomplished, save at the cost of struggle and sacrifice. Everyone who revolts against the tyranny of antiquated dogmas brings upon himself the odium, which inevitably falls on the revolutionary innovator. The protagonists of the French Revolution were confronted by the solidarity of the whole of the rest of Europe when they sought to substitute the great slogan of liberalism for the worn-out tenets of absolutism.

Germany's attitude towards the Jewish question can be rightly understood only if we consider it from the standpoint of a philosophy of history based on the conception of the race as fundamental factor of social revolution -- i.e. of the philosophy which from the outset has inspired the National Socialist to reconstruct and reorganise the entire life of the German nation. According to this philosophy, the differentiation and variety of the heterogeneous human races, as well as of the peoples who descend from them, constitute an essential element of the Divine creative purpose. Providence has assigned to each people the task of freely and fully developing its own specific characteristic traits. Hence it is contrary to the Divine purpose if a people allow its destiny to be shaped by extraneous forces; and such people will assuredly perish in the struggle for existence. The question of the intrinsic value of such forces is irrelevant. The sole thing that

No clearer demonstration of this truth has been furnished in the history of the world than by the downfall of the Roman empire, which was doomed from the moment when the ancient Roman element that formed its nucleus began to be stifled by the inroad of foreign influences. The whole life -- political, social, economic, military -- of the Roman Empire was finally dominated by alien influences, the result being a racial and cultural syncretism which could not but prove fatal to the Empire in the long run.

The family, as the cell of the social community, is naturally subject to the same law of heredity as the aggregate. Those peoples who are derived from the Germanic race, to cite only this particular example, have a strong developed family instinct. They know, thanks to instinctive intuition fortified by hereditary experience, that the destiny of every family is determined throughout successive generations by the predominance of certain biological and traditional factors. Hence in all families where the consciousness of this truth has not been obliterated, the greatest possible care is invariably taken that there shall be no admixture of new blood susceptible of adulterating the racial composition or debasing the traditional standard of the family. A number of families illustrious in history have consistently maintained this standard by a rigorous adherence to the principle of consanguinity.

Germany, started from a philosophy of history based on the principle of racial differentiation, in the first country to have consistently drawn the conclusions resulting from the lessons of the past two thousand years in regard to the Jewish question. Those lessons have taught us the reason why the attempt to solve that question by means of the abortive attempt to assimilate the Jews was pre-doomed to failure. Those lessons have proved to the hilt the utter impossibility of assimilating the Jews, and have shown the inevitability of the periodical recurrence of anti-Semitism in consequence.

The lessons taught by the past two thousand years may be resumed as follows:

1) The Jewish question is not a religious, but exclusively a racial question. The Jews, the overwhelming majority of whom are of Oriental, i.e. Eastern descent, have no racial affinity whatever with the peoples of Europe. It should be observed that the attitude of the German Government towards the Jewish question is dictated solely by the fact that the Jews are an alien race, without any consideration of the intrinsic value of the specific qualities of that race.

Even in the era of emancipation, during which the Jews were on principle incorporated in the national communities of the world, and which was characterised by the "conversion" of millions of Jews to Christianity, it proved impossible to blot out the traces of their ineradicably alien nature. Sufficient evidence of this fact is forthcoming from Jewish sources. In the book "Hör, Israel", the late Walther Rathenau wrote:

"In the life of the German national the Jews are a clearly differentiated alien race ... In the Marches of Brandenburg they are like unto an Asiatic horde."

The wellknown Jewish author Jacob Klatzkin expressed himself with refreshing candour in his work "Krisis und Entscheidung im Judentum" (1921) as follows:

"Everywhere we are strangers in the lands in which we live, and it is our inflexible resolve to maintain our racial idiosyncrasy."

Both testimonials were furnished at a time when the emancipation of the Jews in Germany had reached its culminating point.

2) For the past 2000 years the Jewish race has been perpetually on the move. The whole world is its home, conformably with the motto ubi bene, ibi patria. True to their destiny, the Jews will never admit being bound by any national ties. The abnormal structure of the Jewish community, in which neither peasant nor handicrafts men find a place, renders it impossible for the Jews to adapt themselves to the conditions of life in the countries which give them hospitality.

3) Racial predisposition and historical destiny combine to incline the Jews to certain categories of activity, whose sphere of influence is, by their very nature, international. It is consequently explicable that, during the era of emancipation, the Jews should have successful sought to obtain control of a) public opinion, b) the stock and share markets, c) wholesale and retail trade, d) certain influential cultural organisations, and last, but not least, e) political life.

At the close of the emancipation era in Germany, the Jews enjoyed practical monopoly of all the professions exerting intellectual and political influence. This enabled them to stamp their entirely alien features on the whole public life of the country.

4) One of the results achieved by the policy of "assimilation" during the era of emancipation was the release of the Jews in Eastern Europe from their ghettos, and their emigration to the more liberal-minded States of Western Europe and North America. Between 1890 and 1900, some 200.000 East European Jews found their way into Great Britain. The number of Jews who emigrated to the United States between 1912 and 1935 is computed at upwards of 1.500.000. If the Jewish question has today attained such vital importance, this is to a large extent due to those migrations of Jews -- migrations which, on one hand, demonstrated the illusory nature of the theory of the Jews' capacity for assimilation, and, on the other Hand, hastened the process of the domination of West European and North American States by Jewish elements.

The process in question had been practically completed in Germany before the advent of National Socialism to power. An alien race, without roots in German soil and without even the most remote affiliation with the German people, had taken possession of Germany. The poison of an alien spirit, of an alien manner of thinking, had been instilled, cunningly and systematically, into the German mind. Hence the whole German organism necessarily conveyed a totally misleading impression to an observer from outside. National Socialism was therefore faced by the urgent necessity of solving a problem, which vitally affected the very existence of the German nation.

......Since a solution of the Jewish problem by means of the assimilation of the Jewish race, of its absorption in German national life, had proved wholly impossible, there remained to the National Socialists but the single alternative of solving the Jewish question by the elimination of that unassimilable race from Germany.

.....It is incontestable -- in fact no attempt has been made to deny or even to minimise the fact -- that the policy of the German Government towards the Jews has entailed numerous hardships -- amounting in certain individual cases to a positive miscarriage of justice. It cannot be denied that a number of Jews effected by recent legislative measures directed against their race honestly felt themselves to be thorough-going Germans. Such Jews had done their best to render service to the State as functionaries, artists, men of letters, scientists, and - last but not least - as soldiers in the Great War.

But in order to understand the German attitude towards the Jewish question it is necessary to go still farther - to remember that the unceasing encroachment of the Jews on the entire public life of Germany within the last few decades finally resulted in a terrible national catastrophe. The disastrous end of the Great War for Germany, followed as it was by complete political and economic collapse, by cultural and moral deterioration, by unemployment on a colossal scale with its impoverishment of all social classes to a degree hitherto undreamt of in modern times - this epoch of Germany's greatest and most cruel humiliation coincided with the final triumph of the Jewish emancipation, with the culminating point of Jewish ascendancy in Germany, just as the aforementioned writer in the Times had prophesied in 1916.

Already more than a generation ago, one of the most sincere and far sighted minds in international Jewry, the late Zionist leader Theodore Herzl, described this interdependence of general distress and Jewish ascendancy in a passage of his Zionistische Schriften (vol. I, pp. 238/9), which is by no means applicable solely to Germany, but which has, on the contrary, universal validity. Therein Herzl characterised as follows the part played by the Jews:

"There are among them a few persons who hold in their hands the financial threads that envelops the world. A few persons who absolutely control the shaping of the most vitally important conditions of life of the nations. Every invention and innovation are for their sole benefit, whilst every misfortune increases their power. And to what use do they put this power? Have they ever placed it at the service of any moral ideal _ nay, have they ever placed it at the disposal of their own people, who are in dire distress? ...

Without those persons no war can be waged and no peace be concluded. The credit of States and individual enterprises are alike at the mercy of their rapacious ambition. The inventor must humbly wait at their door, and in their arrogance they claim to sit in judgement on the requirements of their fellow beings."

.......It is essential, in the first place, to get an accurate picture of the numeral significance of German Jews in those days, as well as their regional distribution within the Reich and their social structure. The result of the census in 1925 - the last to be held before national socialism took over power - showed that out of a total population of 62.5 millions were 546.379 professing the Jewish faith. This was less than 1 per cent of the total population.

.......One of the main objective of this Jewish migration was Berlin, the capital of the Reich, were the number of Jews had become trebled between 1871 and 1910, (36,000 -- 90,000). In this metropolis, the centre of national, political and cultural activity, Jews had established their headquarters. Here they were able to develop unhampered their own peculiar racial characteristics.

The 1925 census returns for Berlin showed that there were 172,500 Jews or 4.25 per cent out of a total population of approximately 4 millions. This percentage is four times greater than the percentage of Jews in the whole German population. Berlin, the capital of Prussia, the largest of the federal states therefore possessed 42 per cent of the 400,000 Prussian Jews.

Twenty-five per cent of these 172,500 Berlin Jews were aliens. This fact alone illustrates clearly the total lack of Jewish affinity for national ties and national sentiment. Nearly one-quarter or 18.5 per cent of the Jews in Prussia possessed foreign nationality.

To be able to appreciate the true significance of these figures, one must bear in mind that Jewry in the large cities was able to attain such numeral significance despite the fact that it was subject to a number of restrictive factors. These could only be made good by a constant immigration from the East, particularly during and after the Great War. It is this Eastern immigration of low-class, mean and morally unscrupulous Jews, which has given the German Jewish problem its particular harsh note.

......It is self-evident that the complete one-sided distribution of German Jews and their systematic migration to, and concentration in, the large urban areas was an unsound policy and disastrous not only for the Jews but also for the national life of Germany.

But the structure of professional life also suffered from this morbid one-sidedness. Here statistics show that Jewry was a tree without roots, without any anchorage whatsoever in social life. This abnormal social composition was responsible for the fact that the Jews exclusively preferred the commercial professions and steered clear of all manual work.

These fact, can be checked by the results of the trades records established in the various German federal states in 1925. In Prussia, Wurttemberg and Hessen, these census gave the following results in regard to the percentage of the Jews employed in the various groups:

Group                          Prussia     Wurttemberg     Hessen
Trade & Commerce:        58.8%     64.6%             69%
Industry:                         25.8%     24.6%             22%
Agriculture:                       1.7%        1.8%             4%

It is often asserted that external pressure, political and social considerations, as well as ghetto and boycott have squeezed the Jews out of handicraft trades and forced them into commercial spheres. Here however we must reply by stating that in rural districts, particularly in the former province of Posen and in Hessen-Nassau, the Jews had every opportunity of working as farmers or craftsmen. There were certainly no restrictions placed on them. But they preferred to deal in cattle, corn or fertilisers and especially in money which brought them rich reward.

Felix A. Theilhaber, the well-known Jewish economist, reporting his observations on the causes of Jewish disintegration in "Der Untergang der Deutschen Juden - The Decline and Fall of Germany Jewry - (Berlin 1921), confirms the fact that so-called primitive production is not in keeping with Jewish characteristics. He admits, primarily, that racial talents forced the Jews into the so-called business professions as they are more easily able to guarantee commercial success and material security. Theilhaber finally arrived at the following conclusion:

"Agriculture has little material attraction for German Jews ...Racial instincts, traditions and economic pre-conditions compel them to choose other professions ... Hence it is natural that certain types dominate in German Jewry, for example, clothiers, agents, lawyers and doctors. Jewish characteristics and peculiarities are also evident in other branches (departmental stores, furs, tobacco and even the press. One peculiar Jewish feature is the craving for individualism, the urge to become independent and wealthy."

Among the intellectual professions named by this Jewish author, that of medicine and law were the two most attractive. They were the professions that offered most material gain. Jewish influence in these professions was therefore most marked and assumed a dominating character.

In 1932 there were approximately 50,000 German medical practitioners of which 6,488, or 13%, were Jews. That is to say, a figure ten times greater than that to, which they were entitled on the basis of population ratio.

In Berlin, the capital of the Reich, the percentage of the Jewish doctors was still greater. This figure was 42% and 52% for the panel doctors. In the leading Berlin hospitals 45% of all the doctors were Jews.

An abnormal and disproportionate state of affairs also existed in the legal professions as compared with the population ratio. In 1933 there were 11,795 lawyers practising in Prussia of which 3,350 or nearly 30% were Jews; 2,051 or 33% of the total number of 6,236 public notaries were Jews. In Berlin itself the percentage was much higher, bordering between 48% and 56%.

Further consideration must be given to the fact that the administration of justice was chiefly in the hands of orthodox Jews. The position was similar in regard to the professorship at various leading German universities. The table below furnishes the statistics of three of these universities in 1931. Not only the law and medical faculties are quoted but the philosophical as well in order to show the abnormal Jewish penetration:

Faculty     Berlin:             Breslau:     Frankfurt a. M.:
Law........ (44teachers 23 teachers Jewish teachers)
                15 Jews, 34% 6 Jews, 26%             total 33%
Medicine...... (265 teachers 101 teachers Jewish teachers)
            118 Jews, 43%     3 Jews, 43%         total 33%
Philosophy..... (268 teachers 107 teachers Jewish teachers)
            85 Jews, 31%     26 Jews, 25%         total 32%

Two of the most important phases of public life viz. law and public health were thus in danger of coming under complete Jewish control.

Jewish penetration into German economic life was still more pronounced. In strict accordance with the objectives refereed to in the previous chapter, trade and commerce were the principle spheres in which Jews centred their attention. ......In 1931, Dr. Alfred Marcus, the Jewish statistician previously referred to, carefully examined Jewish participation in individual branches of German trade in his book "Die Wirtschaftliche Krise der deutschen Juden," - The Economic Crisis of German Jews. His investigations led to the following remarkable results:

In 1930, 346 or 57% of the total of 603 firms in the metal trades were in Jewish hands; in scrap-metal there were 514 firms of which 211 or 41% were Jews; grain merchants totalled 6.809 of which 1,543 or 22.7% were Jews; textile wholesalers numbered 9,984 of which 3,938 or 39.4% were Jews; in the ladies dress branch there were 81 Jewish firms out of a total of 133, or 60.9%. In the art and booksellers trades, both of which possess an extremely cultural value, many of the most important firms were Jewish. We need only mention S. Fischer, Cassirer, Flechtheim, Ullstein and Springer.

Still more important is the financial or banking business. Here well-nigh every leading business was in the hands of the Jews. A few individual instances can be quoted. Both the governing directors of the Deutsche Bank and Discontogesellschaft (1929) and four of its twelve board members were Jews. The chairman, two vice-chairmen and three of the five governing members of the board of the Darmstädter and Nationalbank were Jews. The chairman, vice-chairman and three of the seven members of the governing board of the Dresdener Bank (1928) were Jews. Finally, every one of the three owners of the Berliner Handelsgesellschaft were also Jews.

The big private banks were also nearly in Jewish hands. We need only recall such well-known firms as Arnhold, Behrens, Warburg, Bleichroder, Mendelsohn, Goldschmidt, Rothschild, Dreyfuss, Bondi and Maron, Aufhauser, Oppenheim, Levy, Speyer-Ellissen, Heimann, Stern.

By means of these key positions in the financial world Jewish influence penetrated by way of the board of directors to every section of German industry. The Adress Buch der Direktoren und Aufsichsrate - A guide to Company Directors & Boards of Management -published in 1930, i.e. long before the National Socialists assumed power, proves the alarming influence of Jewish capital or capital controlled by Jews on German economic life.

Outstanding among Jewish financiers in this respect was Jacob Goldschmidt, a member of the boards of no less than 115 companies. He was closely followed by Louis Hagen, a Jewish banker, with 62 appointments. Third on the list was a Christian lawyer, followed successively by four Jewish bankers who together held 166 positions on the boards of various companies. Further down this list Jews continued to play a very prominent role.

This concentration of business-company authority in the hands of a small group of Jewish financiers was certainly not compatible with a conscientious fulfilment of the exacting duties of a company director. On the other hand no effort or work was necessary in producing extraordinary handsome returns. This was one of the most important factors that led to discrediting the political and economic systems of that period, and also formed one of the causes which led to a widespread growth of anti-Semitism among the broad masses in Germany.

The domination of German industry by a system of Jewish boards of business directors certainly went hand in hand with direct Jewish penetration and subsequent control of industrial production. The complicated nature of this vast field and its complex structure makes it possible to give only a few illustrations which, however, by no means exhaust the real extent of Jewish expansion.

In the electrical branch for example, this company was controlled by the Jew Merton, head of the Frankfurt Metal Bank. The Osram Company, the leading electric globe concern, was controlled by Meinhardt, a Jew. The Continental Rubber Company in Hanover, Germany's largest productive plant, and the Calmon Rubber Company at Hamburg were controlled by Jews.

Adler, Oppenheim, Salamander and Conrad Tack & Co., four Jewish firms, dominated the entire German leather industry. The iron market was controlled by the Jew Ottmar Strauss. Hugo Herzfeld, a Jew, exercised a decided influence in the potash industry. In the mining industry section, Paul Silverberg dominated the Rheinish lignite or brown coal industry whilst two co-religionists, the Petschek brothers had a similar function in the Central German lignite district.

Jewish participation was also extraordinary large in industrial organisations and in official organs of German economic life. This influence was particularly pronounced in the Chambers of Commerce and Industry. To quote one example: The Berlin Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the largest of its kind in Germany, had 98 members in 1931 of which no less than 50 were Jews. Four hundred of the 1,300 members attached to the Chamber as advisory were Jews, whilst 131 of the 209 commercial judges appointed by the Chamber were also Jews. The Chamber itself was presided over by a President and five vice-presidents. The president himself and three of his deputies were Jews.

The position was far worse on the exchange. We need do no more than give the Berlin Exchange, the most important one in Germany, as an example. Twenty-five of the 36 committee members of the Securities and Bonds Exchange were Jews. Twelve of the 16 committee members of the Produce Exchange were Jews and ten of the 12 committee members of the Metal Exchange were also Jews. The committee of the whole Exchange was composed of 70 members of whom 45 were Jews. Attendance at the Exchange was also more or less a Jewish monopoly. In 1930 for example, the attendance at the Securities and Bonds Exchange totalled 1,474 of which number approximately 1,200 were Jews. The Produce Exchange had an attendance of 578 of which 520 were Jews, and at the Metal Exchange out of an attendance of 89 there were 80 Jews.

It is obvious that the Reichsbank, the official bank for the issue of paper money, was in no position to resist permanently this well-nigh Jewish monopoly of capital and economic interests. The result was that in the period between 1925 and 1929 four of the six members of the controlling board of the Reichsbank directors were Jews. All three members of the Central Council of the Reichsbank and two of their deputies were Jews.

It is necessary now to supplement the aforementioned quantitative analysis of Jewish participation in German economic life by a qualitative one in which the following facts must be born in mind:

When compiling the aforementioned statistics in regard to certain professions in the various German states since 1925, it was ascertained that in Prussia, the largest State, out of a total of approximately 3 million employed in the professions - either independently or in leading capacities - approximately 92,0000 were orthodox Jews. This means that 48% of all Jews professionally employed held leading positions, whereas the corresponding ratio for the reminder of the population amounted to only 16%.

If we compare this with the Jewish share in the non-independent manual work branch, then the whole abnormal social structure of Jewry stands revealed in its true light: Whereas Prussia in 1925 employed approximately 8.5 million ordinary workers (i.e. 46.9 %) of the sum total of all in employment), Jews totalled only 16,000 i.e. (8.4% of all Jews in employment). The percentage of Jews (which in the leading positions was three times greater than that of the whole population) dropped therefore in the manual trades to one-sixth of the figure for the rest of the population, and for all practical purposes had reached zero.

This supplementary qualitative assessment makes it perfectly plain that prior to the National Socialist regime the whole German economic life had reached that alarming stage where it was under foreign domination by Jews and principally by Jews in leading key positions.

It is not surprising that this powerful domination of German economic life should express itself in abnormally high incomes for members of the Jewish community. It is difficult of course to give accurate figures in this respect. We will, however, limit our slices to the statistics furnished to us by the Jewish statistician, Alfred Marcus, to whom reference has already been made. Marcus estimated the average Jewish income for 1930 as 3.2 times the average income of the rest of the population. Summarising the aforementioned particulars, it must be emphasised once more that the Jews concentrated themselves exclusively on commercial and financial undertakings and assumed therein absolute leading positions. Abnormal concentration of Jews in large cities, particularly in Berlin, must not be forgotten.

It does not require much intelligence to realise that such an abnormal social and regional structure ultimately lead to a state of severe tension, if not to serious disturbances in public life. This would have taken place in any case even if the Jews had wisely adapted themselves to the requirements of the country which was given them shelter. These tensions had to lead to an explosion one day if Jewry, blinded by the lustre of its fortunes continued to exercise no restraint in displaying its foreign racial characteristics. But nowhere have Jews been more downright unrestrained than during the era of economic and political corruption which Germany experienced after the Great War.

It is understandable that Germany, as the loser of the war, became infected to a particularly acute degree with the germ of corruption. During its most distressful period of trial and tribulation - the result of the Dictate of Versailles - Germany therefore became acquainted with Jewry as the exploiters and beneficiaries of its national misfortunes. No other country can point to a similar experience.

Jews in German press
.......Jews have always possessed a special aptitude for journalism and the organisation of press work. Accordingly, they played a prominent part in the establishment of German newspapers. Hardly any other function has given them so much power as their influence on the press. They soon proved however, that they had little or no interest in that sense of high moral obligation, which is the duty of those who are responsible for influencing public opinion. On the contrary, their interests were primarily centred in the rich possibilities for material gain. If one examines the Jewish controlled German press on the last decades, one realises that for purely material reasons it serves a craving for sensation, for vanity and the lower instincts of the masses. Circulation was increased in proportion as newspapers undermined in the most grave manner all respect for morals, law and order.

The two largest German newspaper concerns were, before 1933, in Jewish hands: viz. Ullstein and Mosse. Both these firms were founded by Jews and their directorates and editorial staffs were comprised of nearly all Jews. ....

The circulation of this largest newspaper concern averaged 4 million daily. They published five large daily newspapers, several weekly papers and many periodicals and magazines of every description. The Ullstein News Agency influenced a great number of provincial papers. In addition to this, Ullstein possessed also an extensive book publishing branch.

The whole of the shares in this vast concern were held by the five Ullstein brothers. The directorate consisted of these brothers, three other Jews and only two Christian.

The largest newspaper issued by this concern was the Berliner Morgenpost which had a larger circulation than any other German paper (more than 600.000 daily). Besides a Jewish editor this paper had in 1927 ten other Jews as members of the editorial staff. The editorial staff of the Vossische Zeitung, an extremely influential political organ, was in charge of the Jew Georg Bernhard and fourteen Jewish sub-editors. Bernhard at that time was keen on making a name for himself in politics. The position in regard to the remaining Ullstein papers was practicable the same.

Mosse Publishers and Printers.

This firm was, as far as size is concerned, not so important as Ullstein. Its daily circulation was 350.000. Established and maintained as a family concern by the Eastern Jew, Rudolf Mosse (formerly Moses), its influence was none the less very great. Its chief publication was the Berliner Tageblatt established long before 1933. It was this paper which for many years was looked upon abroad as representative of German public opinion.

The Editor of this paper was the Theodor Wolff, who also took a prominent part in politics. Apart from him, the important positions on the editorial staff were filled by seventeen other Jews. In five important capitals outside the Reich the Berliner Tageblatt was represented by Jews.

Another paper issued by this concern was the Acht-Uhr-Abendblatt, another political influential publication in which Jews were dominant with a chief editor and eight co-religionists as sub-editors..

It was only natural that the rest of the German press could play only a very insignificant part when compared with the activities of these two mammoth concerns. Neither the provincial press with its economic disunity nor the publishing house of August Scherl - the only large Christian undertaking in the capital - were able to exercise influence sufficient to seriously challenge the united power of the these two big all-Jewish undertakings.

That the Marxist party press was overwhelmingly directed and influenced by Jews has already been stated above. Moreover the official press department of the government - particularly in Prussia - were also in charge of Jews. The three most important press departments in Prussia, the largest of the German federal state were, 1930 for example, in charge of four Jews.

It was therefore only a matter of course that the professional and economic organisations of German journalists came directly under Jewish influence. The largest of these organisations the Reichsverband der Deutschen Presse - the German Press Association - was directed for many years and until 1933 by the Jewish chief editor of the Vossische Zeitung, Georg Bernhard. In the Verein Berliner Presse - the Berlin Press Union - Which was the leading social and benefit society for all journalists in the capital, the right to nominate and elect members had been vested from 1888 in the hands of a purely Jewish committee. Finally, the official organisation of "free lance" German writers, the Schutzverband deutscher Schriftsteller was controlled by a directorate which, in 1928 and 1929, consisted of 90% Jews. Its president was at that time the Jewish publicist Arnold Zweig, author of the war novel, "Streit um den Sergeanten Grischa", in which he foully besmirche

In this connection it is necessary to examine the work and significance of those Jews who for many years were regarded in Germany and abroad as the most authentic apostles of German publicism. We refer in particular to Georg Bernhard, Theodor Wolff and Maximilian Harden. All three were Jews. All three were Journalists of surpassing technical skill, men who, through their masterly handling of the written word alone, were well able to make "converts" to the ideas they represented. But behind the winning exterior was hidden the same dangerous spirit of denial of all traditional values, of criticism for criticism's sake, the spirit of destruction, disintegration and instabilities which we have been compelled to recognise as the main characteristics of Jewry in all spheres.

It is exceptionally significant that Georg Bernhard s real profession was that of banker and stock exchange financier. He belonged until shortly before the Great War to social democracy, and his whole life displayed a remarkable vacillation between two such contradictory things as stock exchange journalism and Marxist activity. Then, in 1913, he was appointed chief editor of Ullstein's Vossische Zeitung. In this position, in two different hours of destiny in Germany s post-war history, he played a calamitous part:

In the critical weeks before the signing of the Versailles Treaty, when the German people and its leaders well-nigh unanimously rejected the intolerable and harsh conditions of that dictated peace, he made common cause with those really comparatively few men of public influence who, through the medium of the spoken and printed word, ruthlessly suppressed every flickering of the spirit of national resistance, and thereby destroyed all hopes of securing more bearable conditions. One requires only to glance at the old issue of the Vossische Zeitung for those weeks and months to realise how systematically Bernhard went about this work. Even the most humiliating terms of this treaty -- the "War-Guilt" clause, he attempted to represent as a mere bagatelle. Thus he wrote --to give only one example --on June 18th 1919:

"The German reader of the Note will most easily be able to reconcile himself with those parts which deal with the historical origin of the war and with the question of guilt for it ... if one regards the matter in this manner, one cannot take the scolding in the war-guilt paragraph tragically."

With these words Bernhard attacked the German government from behind whilst the latter was waging a dramatic struggle regarding these points of honour, in particular the clause relating to war-guilt and the release of German officers. It will be understood outside Germany as well that we cannot forget such a betrayal of national interests, such a lack of proper pride and feeling for honour as was displayed by the Jewish journalist Bernhard.

The second case, we already find Bernhard committing open criminal treason. During the occupation of the Rhineland, there arose in the occupied zone a movement, supported and forwarded for political reasons by foreign money, which strove to prevent for ever the return of the occupied Rhineland to the Reich, and to establish its complete independence. George Bernhard with the got into contact with these Rhenesh separatists. The separatists received from him political advice and financial support. In the year 1930, one of the owners of Ullstein, the Jew Dr. Franz Ullstein, published this fact in the periodical Tagebuch. He declared that Bernhard's agent in Paris, the Jew Dr. Leo Stahl, had paid a sum of money to Matthes, the leader of the separatists and that Bernhard himself had corresponded and associated with Matthes. The political scandal forced Bernhard eventually to retire from political journalism.

Theodor Wolff, the editor of the Berliner Tageblatt behaved in a different but equally objectional manner. An apparently convinced monarchist during the war, there was, after the change of constitution in Germany, no one who reviled and slandered the deposed Hohenzollerns in so evil a manner as Wolff.

Even if we could forgive him such opportunism, quite inexcusable is his behaviour at the time when the increasing spread of indecency and immorality in Germany forced the government in 1926 to take constitutional steps for the suppression of filthy and otherwise low-grate literature. The intention was, above all, to protect youth from indecent influences. Theodor Wolff openly opposed this effort. He condemned the new law and as a protest, resigned from the democratic party which he had helped to found because they had supported the new measure.

In order to understand the whole frivolous irresponsibility of this Jewish publicist, one must know just how far the flooding of the German book and periodical markets with dirty, pornographic productions had gone.

Still more influential than George Bernhard and Theodor Wolff, certainly the mightiest man of the pen which Germany had for a generation, was Maximilian Harden. With his periodical, Die Zukunft -The Future - he indulged in high politics for more than twenty years. Hardly any other man has shown so much fluctuation in character and principles as he. He began by setting himself up as judge of morality in Imperial Germany and dealt a death blow to the reputation of the monarchic system by his journalistic scandal mongering about the Hohenzollern court. During the Great War he was certainly the only real "annexationist" in Germany, demanding as the price of victory the whole of Belgium, the French coast opposite England and the Congo Basin,(Vide Zukunft of 17th October 1914). Then when the fortunes of war, in 1916 began to turn away from Germany, Harden also retreated. He attacked German war policy and became an enthusiastic admirer of President Wilson. I

Harden is rightly described by the world-renown historian, Friedrich Thimme, as "The Judas of the German people."

Jews in German Art and Literature.

Many years before the National Socialist regime, indeed, even before the war and prior to the period when Jewish emancipation had reached its climax, anxious observers pointed out that cultural life in Germany hardly deserved the epithet of "German" any more and that it had actually become a merely Jewish sphere of activity. The crisis in German cultural life has never been more aptly described and the Jewish problem has never been discussed in clearer terms than in the article by the Jewish essayist Moritz Goldstein, already published as early as 1912 in the Kunstward (issue dated March 1912), a German Art magazine of very high standing.

Goldstein explains how the Jews, at the beginning of their emancipation, generally invaded all branches of German cultural life and, as alert scholars, soon commenced to supplant their masters. Goldstein gives the following synopsis of the consequences resulting from this development:

"Jews suddenly filled all those positions which are not withheld from them by force, they have converted German aims and tasks into their own and strive for them accordingly. It seems as if German cultural life were to be completely transferred into Jewish hands. This was neither anticipated nor desired by the Christians at the time they granted the pariah in their midst a share in European cultural life. They began to take defensive measures, they resumed their custom of calling us aliens, they commenced to regard us as a danger in the temple of their Art. Consequently we are now faced by the following problem. We Jews guide and administrate the intellectual property of a nation which denies our qualification and competency to do so."

Goldstein describes this Jewish administration and control of German art and culture as a "prodigious fact." A retrospective examination of German intellectual life as it was before 1933 will corroborate Goldstein's testimony. In all spheres, be it on the stage, in literature, music painting and the plastic arts, be it in the film or, in broadcasting, Jews always occupied the leading positions, compelling all to follow their intellectual guidance.

To take the theatre, for instance,--the Berlin stages, which, as the most modern, are naturally always imitated by the theatres of all the provinces, were all under Jewish management. The choice of the programmes was made according to an entirely Jewish outlook and the result was that Jewish authors predominated. 61

The Jews in German Political Life.

In Imperial Germany the Jews did not play any important roles in the political life of the country, that is to say, not in so far as they were in possession of important key positions. But this state of affairs changed radically with the outbreak of the 1918 revolution and the introduction of the new constitution. There is no need here to examine the question of whether this new structure was in line with the governing political ideas of Jewry. The facts, however, are that with the commencement of November 1918, a veritable rush was made by the Jews to capture the leading key positions in the Reich and in the federal states.

Among the six so-called "Representatives of the People" who formed the first Reich Government after the collapse, there were two Jews, Hugo Haase and Otto Landsberg. Kurt Eisner, a Jew, headed the list as Minister-President in Bavaria; in Prussia the Jew Paul Hirsch assumed a similar function. The first Reich government established in 1919 on a parliamentary basis contained five Jews. Many of the most important departments in the Reich ministries were controlled by Jews.

To thoroughly appreciate the significance of the fact, one must bear in mind, that Jewish usurpation of political leadership commenced with the beginning of an epoch of political weakness which, in foreign affairs led to complete surrender and shameful servility; in the domestic sphere to complete disunion and disruption. Even the loss of the Great War, which naturally had to lead to a profound change in Germany's position abroad and in her domestic affairs as well, is certainly no sufficient excuse or explanation. Opinion abroad, when dealing with that particular period, will agree that a more dignified attitude would have been helpful in improving the German position. on the other hand, the servile and defeatist policy of the German Jewish politicians commanded nothing but contempt and only served to accentuate German's national shame and misery.

Those particular Jewish politicians were also in no way satisfied that a change from constitutional monarchy to a parliamentary-republican regime had taken place in German affairs. This is testified to by the Jewish author, Rudolf Schay, in his book "Juden in der deutschen Politik", (Jews in German Politics) published in 1926. He states:

"Among the elements who carry on the revolution, and will not accept a free and bourgeois and a democratic-republican order, but who insist on the complete fulfilment of all social demands, Jews have played a dominant role; viz: Rosa Luxemburg, Eisner and Landauer ...."

This complete fulfilment of all socialist demands was nothing else than a realisation of the communist manifest inspired and dictated by the Jew Karl Marx. But that was only possible by complete surrendering all national ideas and interests of the German nation.

.......The percentage of Jewish social-democratic Reichstag deputies totalled 22% in 1924 while the percentage of Jewish communist deputies was given as 15% in the same year. Here is well to emphasise that Jews totalled barely 1% of the whole German population.

The following is the list of Jews elected to the Reichstag in 1924, as members of the Social-Democrat Party:.

In the same year, the communist Party returned the following Jews as members:.

In 1932, Jewry in the Marxist parties was represented in the Reichstag by the following Jewish members etc.

It was natural therefore that this influx of Jews in the Reichstag should have its effect on government in the Reich itself and in the federal states.

When taking this all-powerful Jewish influence in all Marxist organisations and parties into account, it is no longer surprising that the policy of the social democrats was shaped and influenced entirely by their Jewish leaders. Therefore, we see once more the same spirit of defeatism and treachery in which we have already referred..

After the November 1918 collapse, nearly all the Radical leaders with Bolshevik tendencies were Jews. They took a prominent and for Germany disastrous part in the peace negotiations, to which reference has already been made.

In communism, which is the extreme form of Marxism, Jewish domination became particularly marked. Its leaders and propagandists were almost exclusively Jews. The "Spartacists League", founded in 1918 as a forerunner to the communist party, was in charge of Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg. This league was modelled on true Soviet lines and called on the proletariat to arm in those days of terror which followed the collapse of the nation. The league's Moscow agent was the Jew, Leo Jpgiches (formerly known as Tyschko). After a systematic preparation by the German and Russian Jews, chaos and indescribable horror was finally let loose by them on the German nation, culminating at Munich. Here again it was a Jew, Kurt Eisner, an author, who played the part of leader and organiser. In 1917, when Germany was still fighting for her existence, he had already agitated for strikes and revolution. Eisner founded a Workers' Council at Munich on strictly Bolshevik

.......Jews also took a prominent part in the work of planning the 1918 revolution in Germany which finally, led to the collapse of the entire western front.

It was Dr. Oscar Cohn, the social-democratic deputy who early in November 1918 accepted the sum of four million gold roubles from M. Joffe, the Soviet-Russian ambassador to Berlin in those days, and also a Jew. The money was intended to finance the German Revolution. Hugo Haase, a Jewish Reichstag deputy, was the master-mind behind the Sailors' revolt at Kiel, which was the signal for general revolution throughout Germany. At the national meeting of protest held on May 12, 1919, when it was unanimously decided to vote against signing the peace terms, it was the Jew Haase, as leader of the Independent Social Democrats, who alone insisted on accepting the terms.

It is not possible to conclude this chapter of Jewish defeatism without mentioning the following: It is true that there were also numbers of non-Jewish Germans who both during and after the war committed treason on strictly Jewish lines. But the Jewish percentage in this dastardly political work is not only relative but incomparably higher. In fact, the percentage is so abnormal great, that the list of non-Jewish perpetrators is almost insignificant. Seeking for an explanation of this curious fact one finds that Jews is outwardly as well inwardly completely rootless; on the basis of its racial habits and is historical past it recognises no ties which can in any way be connected with love for a homeland.

At the same time, however, the political attitude of the Jews clearly shows up the glaring ingratitude, which they have demonstrated in Germany. There is no country where the requirements of Jewish emancipation have been more justly fulfilled than in Germany; and there is no another country in which Jews were so accommodatingly allowed to fill positions in the public services. But in no other country in the world have Jews in times of severe national distress played such an inglorious, destructive and treacherous role as in Germany.

But the Jews consistently ignored the rules of fair play as far as their credulous German partner was concerned. The overwhelming majority of them never desired to be merged in the German nation, because they were aware of the fact that their racial dissimilarity constituted an insuperable obstacle to assimilation. During the years of great tribulation they never hesitated to betray Germany, and to shamelessly misuse the opportunities afforded them in such abundance for their own egoistical purposes and interests. Defeatism and treason, political degradation and economic corruption, moral depravity, the debasement of all national and religious values - these were the outstanding features of a Germany dominated by the alien Jewish race.

Germany had to pay dearly for the illusion that it is possible to solve the Jewish question by means of a generous effort to assimilate the Jews. She had reckoned without a factor of decisive importance: namely, the congenital, ingrained, boundless ingratitude of the Jewish race. Not the least of the reasons for the uncompromising attitude of German anti-Semitism - an attitude that has often been misunderstood abroad - is the glaring contrast, irrefutably evidenced by the events of the past decades, between the incontestable good faith of the Germans and the cynical ingratitude of the Jews.

That this contrast, so to speak, the nucleus of the whole Jewish problem, has been publicly admitted by two leading Jews. The Chief Rabbi of Hamburg, Dr. Joseph Karlebach, wrote in the Jewish review Der Morgen (vol. II, p. 129, 1930) :

"To the Jew, is to be opposed to the natural attitude of human beings."

The French Jew Bernard Lazare, who was well known at the close of the last century, was even more candid in his book " L' Antisemitisme", in which he puts the question: "By what qualities or defects has the Jew drawn upon himself such universal reprobation? Why has he alternately and in equal measure been maltreated and hated by Egyptians and Romans, by Persians and Arabs, by Turks and Christian nations? It is because the Jew is everywhere, and right down to the present day has remained, an asocial being."

When the National Socialists came into power in 1933, they endeavoured to solve the Jewish question by methods calculated to peacefully reduce the excessive influence of the Jews on public life to proportions compatible, firstly, with the position of the Jews as an alien race, and, secondly, with their number which was less than 1 per cent of the total German population. When the amount of misfortune brought on Germany by the Jews prior to 1933 is recalled, the methods adopted to diminish their influence on German public life must be accounted remarkably moderate.

The Nuremberg Laws of 1935 formed the basis of a peaceful and orderly settlement of the Jewish question in Germany. But the Jews themselves were not prepared to reckon with the incontestable fact that their era of emancipation in Germany was definitely at an end. They were not willing to abandon their usurped supremacy without a struggle, and since this was no longer possible in Germany itself, they deliberately stirred up an agitation abroad, hardly less dangerous than an openly proclaimed war. By means of a consistently carried-out poisoning of the sources of public opinion, they have succeeded in creating a caricature of National Socialism Germany and inflaming international opinion against the latter. By organising a boycott of German goods, they have endeavoured to throttle Germany economically. They even gone so far as to reply to the measures of the National Socialist Government by the assassination of Wilhelm Gustloff and Ernst von Rath.The world-embracing associations and interests of Jewry as an international power, as well as the asocial spirit animating it, could not be evidenced in more convincing manner than by its success in putting the whole world instantaneously, so to speak, into movement against National Socialist Germany. For the world has taken very much less notice of processes of elimination carried out elsewhere on a far greater scale. Who has championed the cause of those millions of Russians driven from their land by the Bolshevist revolution, or who, unable to escape in time, were tortured and massacred? Who ever spent a thought on the Germans in the Baltic States, 80 per cent were forced to emigrate after the Great War, and who to a large extent are condemned to a life of perpetual hardship in foreign countries?

On the other hand, wherever the interest of even a single Jew are affected, international Jewry howls for redress and assistance until international peace is seriously menaced by its bellowing.

Germany knows full well where the source of the everlasting disquiet is to be found, which perpetually enervates the world and effectively prevents the realisation of all efforts to reach international understanding and peace. The German Government, conscious of its responsibilities, has drawn the logical conclusion, and surely and definitely eliminated all Jewish influence, of whatever nature it may be, at home. It has contributed, for its part, to getting rid of an element, which, in the words of the illustrious historian Theodor Mommsen, is "an operative ferment of national disintegration."

Wer behauptet, glaubt oder irrtuemlicherweise annimmt, daß Kabbalistik, Blutrituale und der oftmals vorhandene Wahnsinn im modernen Judentum von heute ausgestorben ist, irrt in erschreckender Weise. Speziell letztere
Eigenschaft manifestiert sich auf Grund des im juedischen Volk durch Inzucht bedingte vererbare Krankheit, das Tay Sachs Syndrom, in haeufigen Selbstmord, Wahnvorstellungen und geistiger Umnachtung.

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