Saturday, December 29, 2012

International Demands on an Occupier

The New Stürmer ,  Year 2003

Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: "All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to mortality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general."

Please forward this article to all your friends.

Dear kindred and fellow Aryans,

During the opening phase of the War on Iraq Rumsfeld, whose family is Jewish, was "clever" in telling us that Iraq did not treat US soldiers according to international law, per the Geneva Conventions.
Let us look at how Mr Rumsfeld behaved in Iraq after his troops had  taken Baghdad and other Iraqi cities and towns. Let us see how well the Jew knows international law.

In a country under occupation the occupant has taken over the ruling of that part of the country he occupies. That means he, the occupier, is responsible for maintaining ALL civil services.  The occupier is responsible for health and well fare of the inhabitants of whatever he occupies.  He is responsible for keeping the peace and, foremost, order.  The occupier must pay for all this until he can get money from the occupied country.  In an area under occupation the occupier shall let the people rule themselves or in case where the people cannot do so let the occupier govern with the help of the occupied people.  The occupier must use the law of the area/country he occupies to govern.  As soon as a peace treaty has been signed the onetime occupier leaves the area he has occupied.
This according to the Haag Agreement, but also the Geneva Convention.

What does this mean?

The occupier must - in case there are no hospitals - open such for the inhabitants of the country he occupies.  The occupier MUST -  in case there is no police - set up a police force of his own soldiers to take care of law and order. The occupier can use the inhabitants of the area he occupies to serve as civil servants and police.
He, the occupier, must also feed the people he occupies.

The occupier can use facilities in the area he occupies to serve him, but he must treat these people as if they were his own. People living in the area occupied shall be treated as they were before the occupation.

In case of Iraq this means the JSA (Jewnited States of America) is responsible for making sure that law and order is established.  The military leadership of the occupying forces cannot say they are not trained or equipped for policing cities and towns.  They should have known that would be part of their job and should have brought with them soldiers that could keep law and order.

From the very start of the campaign against Iraq the political leadership in the JSA made it clear they wanted to change the Iraqi leadership. Further, the JSA called  on Iraqis to revolt against their leadership.  Then they must have understood that as soon as the Iraqi leadership lost its grip,  lawlessness would break out.

Looting priceless artifacts and ancient documents

With the help of the JSA and the JK (Jewnited Kingdom) lawlessness has broken out in Iraq - a lawlessness which only benefits those who buy stolen goods. And from years of experience with Jews all over the world we have learned that they are the leading forces in  fencing.

Was it to help their racial brothers in Iraq to gain a part of the fortune of Iraqis that the JSA and the JK did not bring with them any police forces as they started the war?  They had enough police to "protect" the Iraqi oil wells. Why???  To make sure nobody tampered with "Jewish" properties????

In the beginning the looters stole from small shops, offices like the German Embassy, the UN offices and some of the official Iraqi offices.  But then the thieves turned to the real objects of the looting: the Iraqi National Museum and the Iraqi National Archive.  The museum held a lot of ancient artifacts which are priceless on the market -  and who are the buyers of such priceless artifacts??    Jews.  What kind of documents were partly stolen, partly burned beyond recognition?  Documents from the Ottoman Empire.  Documents from the time when Iraq was ruled by Britain, and documents that could prove Iraq was right when she, in 1991, claimed Kuwait as hers.  (The first war the JS started on Iraq was because of this.)  Other documents could tell the truth about why Britain drew the map she drew for the Middle East after WW1.

Before the war on Iraq JS museums and lawyers lobbied the Congress to make it easier to import artifacts and ancient objects especially from the Middle East and Iraq.  From this I conclude that someone knew the Iraqi museums were going to be robbed.   Whoever robbed the Iraqi museums I bet you William Pearlstein will get all the ancient Iraqi artifacts he wants, artifacts the Iraqi authorities did not want him to take out of Iraq some years ago.  I also bet you see what race Pearlstein was; he does not belong to mine - I am Nordic.

Did you know that Kuwaiti museums were looted after the JS occupied that country in 1991?

International laws have always been a problem for JS soldiers

After WW2 JS soldiers looted all occupied countries, not only Germany and Austria - but even Italy, France, Netherlands and Belgium.  Even soldiers from the JK and Canada participated in the looting.  The invading soldiers did not only steal from official buildings, but also from private houses and most of all from POWs.

Those who want to study looting among JS soldiers after a war will find that this has been common practice among them.   I do not mean the people of the JS are thieves.  What I mean is that soldier and officer training which has been carried out by Jews for more than 70 years has made some of these White Christian soldiers of European blood into machines doing what the Jews want them to do.

In the face of Chutzpah, Jewish audacity and swindle, resistance must be a national duty.

Heil og sael

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