Saturday, December 29, 2012

Jews Contacting Me
The New Stürmer
Year 2003
"Jesus and Hitler Told the Truth about the Jews."
Jesus said, the Jews are liars, hypocrites, and deceivers. They twist the truth to their benefit and give us lies.
Please send this article to all your friends.
Dear kindred and fellow Aryans:
Over the years I have received a lot of mail from Jews, and I have been called all the names in the book. But last May I got mail from a Jew asking me why I hated Jews. I wrote him and said I did not hate Jews, but I said I am disgusted with them for all the crimes they had perpetrated on my people. This Jew then told me his religion was a religion of love so he could not believe any of his fellow Jews had done any bad things to my people. Then I told this Jew the story of my family:
A family that lost all their belongings including their house in the summer of 1945. The house was - after my family had to move out - inhabited by Jews. They claimed the house in northern Germany had belonged to a Jew some 20 years earlier. This was a big fat lie since the house had been in my family for over 200 years. It took my family over 7 years fighting in courts to get the house back. I even told the Jew I had seen both my mother and sister getting raped by the Jews who in May 1945 came to my home. I told the Jew that a lot of silver and paintings had been stolen from my home as we got the house back.
After the Jew had heard the story he said he was sorry for the experience I had as a child. He even said that Jews should not have behaved as they did. But he kept on talking about all Jews who were killed during WW2. To his claims about Jews being killed during WW2 I told him few Jews were killed, but I admitted some 150.000 Jews died - they died from cholera, typhoid fever and other illnesses. To this he asked me to visit a Jewish web-site, I think it was "Netzar". I did visit the site, but found no new and scientific proof of any gassing or other atrocities towards Jews which had not been exposed as lies by many revisionists.
I mailed the Jew my comments and even quoted from the Talmud to him - I quoted the Talmud in all my mail. He did not answer any of my questions, neither those related to the Talmud or those related to the so-called holocaust. He, the Jew, could not explain how more than 4.344.371 Jews before January 1981 -- making up 99,1 per cent of all Jews -- could have survived WW2, when according to the American Jewish Year Book of 1936 only 2,9 million Jews lived in those parts of Europe later occupied by Germany. The part about the Jews who survived WW2 I have from the Zionist publication, "The Canadian Jewish News," of 1 January, 1981. The Jew never answered that question either.
I got a few more mails, all about how badly the Jews had been treated during WW2. I asked him to explain about the Haavara Agreement, but he did not want to comment on it. Regarding some of the quotations from the Talmud, I was told they were out of context -- but I never was told what context.
After a few weeks I got mail telling me the Jew was going on holidays, but he wanted me to keep on mailing him, because he would answer.
I never got an answer.
Why? Don’t ask me. He or they probably concluded I was a person they could not convince to start believing the hoax.

What can we learn from this?
If we tell them the truth they do not want to listen. So we should tell them the truth every time they start talking about the hoax, We shall tell them what they have done to our people every time we have the opportunity. They are frightened by the truth, and they do not want to hear that we know what they have done to us. We should therefore always tell them the truth of their behaviour towards us. But foremost we shall tell all our friends the truth regarding the Jewish behaviour.   We must build up a resistance among our race against them, for only the resistance of our racial sisters and brothers can save us from what they further want to do to us.
We must remember what the Talmud tells them in Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: "All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples (This is what the Jews use for justification to steal the land of the Palestinians, and what they later will use to take away not only our land, but all our belongings.). An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general."

Do I think all Jews are killers or liars?
No, but as a tribe they protect their racial kindred and allow them to do whatever they like. We must attack this and use it against them.
Like all parasites, Jews move together and attack prey not one by one but as a flock. This is a racial behaviour of the Jews, nurtured by their rabbis. The rabbi is the rat-king within every Jewish camp. He is the contact from the Oberjuden to the obedient idiots of the flock. The rabbi is the one whom all little Jews listen to and who brings misfortune on our people. Rabbis do not like Jews moving out of the rathole. Earlier when some Jews moved away from the rat-king and got acquainted with people of other races, the rabbi started to spread rumours about anti-Semitism. The rabbi even ordered some in the flock to attack those who moved away -- this to "prove" the growing anti-Semitism. If he could not find anyone within the flock he could always turn to the criminal Jews who lived outside the flock, but were obedient to the rabbi.
Our race has during the last century met these criminals as mobsters in the USA and criminal groups in Europe. Now we meet them as the Balkan mobster, Russian mobster, drug cartels, etc. Never have the Jews admitted these criminals were Jews and out to harm us. Why have they not admitted this? Because such an admission would have harmed the Jewish cause, and they don’t want us to get or have a bad impression of Jews, our -- in their view -- masters.
Ever since WW2 the Jews have used all their media to give us a positive, divine view of themselves. They have made TV-movies, written books, etc., about the known mobsters of Jewish descent – movies and books that project the mobsters in a romantic light. They want us to forget all the killing and brutality related to these Jewish mobsters. They want us to forget that the mobsters bribed their way into our world.
We must never forget that the brutality of mobsters is in the genes of all Jews. As is their lust to kill us, people of the Germanic race. Even today, 57 years after WW2, the Jews love to make movies showing their favourite adversaries, the Germans, as killers and brutes. We must use the same approach when fighting the Jews: Never forget to tell our friends how terrible they are. Tell about the Jewish mobsters -- even those operating today, tell your friends Jews have a killer gene and a gene which makes them mobsters.
The survival of our race depends on us doing our job. There are a lot of books which we should buy for our friends and family which tell what Jews are really like. These books are a MUST among our race.
Remember the importance of your job: Telling all your friends about the demonic Jews.
They, the Jews, use the teachers at the schools, the clergymen/ministers as well as their media to brainwash our children into believing that Jews are divine. You and I know they are not; let us spread that knowledge to all the world.
In the face of Chutzpah, Jewish audacity and swindle, resistance must be a national duty.
Heil og sael

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