Friday, December 28, 2012

Israeli pressure on Belgium - New Law will be abandon?
The New Stürmer
Year 2002
"Jesus and Hitler Told the Truth about the Jews."
Dear kindred and fellow Aryans
Last week gave us new information regarding the blood thirst of Ariel Sharon We have learned that Sharon is regretting he did not have the Palestinian President Yasser Arafat killed in 1982. It is not anything special with a Jew wanting to kill a goi. What is remarkable is that nobody drag the Israeli prim minister down into the gutter where he belong for such utterings.
As I have been writing a few articles on Ariel Sharon I will remind you of them. The first one can be reread by visiting my webside. The name of the article is "A fearless president versus a chicken prime minister" and can be found at:
The second article is called "A Lebanese Ex-Minister killed" and can be found at
I will in this article extend the last article regarding the massacre of Palestinian refugee in the camps Sabra and Shahla during Israeli invasion of Beirut in 1982.
According to the Geneva Convention of war the man responsible for atrocities during any military operation is the man having the commanding responsibility. That man was Ariel Sharon.

The USA messenger to Middle East in 1982 was Moris Graper, he confirms Sharon’s responsibility.  Mr Graper even states Sharon knew what would happen if the Israeli Army let the Palestine Christian Militia into the two refugee camps. The Israeli army not only let the Palestine Christian Militia into the camps they even supported the militia with such-light during the first night of killing.

Let us leave the massacre. We are ascertain Ariel Sharon’s responsibility for the massacre of Palestinian refugees in 1982.
This responsibility must also have been realised by Jewish leader all of the world. During the last weeks Belgium courts and politicians have been under a tremendous pressure by Jewish groups from all over the western world. And the Jews will probably win again.
The latest I heard was that the Belgian politicians will change the laws which allow for prosecution of the killer Sharon to be prosecuted in Belgium for the massacre on Palestinian refugees in Lebanon in 1982.
A lot you might believe in fairy tales or even Santa Claus, but I do not. Sharon or any other Israeli killers will never be prosecuted for the massacre at Sabra and Shahla. To the talmud Jews the massacre at Sabra and Shahla is just an other sacrifices to their satanic god. A sacrifice which is allowed and praised according to talmud. Just read:
Sepher or Israel (177b): If a Jew kills a Christian he commits no sin. He has done god a service. Ialkut Simoni (245c): A Jew shedding the blood of a Christian is offering a Sacrifice to god. Zohar (II, 43a): Extermination of Christians is a necessary sacrifice to god.
The word God is by the children of Satan written with capital G, I use small g.
If Jewish audacity/swindle, Chuzpe, is right, then resistance must be a national duty.
Heil og sael

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