Friday, December 28, 2012

Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions call for a boycott Israel
The New Stürmer
Year 2002
"Jesus and Hitler Told the Truth about the Jews."

Dear kindred and fellow Aryans
Norwegian Federation of Trade Unions will boycott of Israel products like carrots and oranges because Israel is slaughtering Palestinians. This was published on April 10, 2002. They want to boycott Israel because Israel does not follow the many UN-resolution to stop the war on the Palestinian people.
I do not believe a boycott of Israeli product will stop the Jewish killing of children and old women and men in Palestinian towns and villages. A slaughter like Ariel Sharon does not look to the economic loss which one small country might bring — whatever Israel loos in a boycott will have to be compensated by the Norwegian state. I even fear the Norwegian state will have to compensate Israel for the threat set forth by the Trade Union of Norway.
The Israeli embassador to Norway was allowed to view her point on television regarding the ongoing conflict with the Palestinians — and she blamed Arafat and his political advisors. She even justified the use of armoured cars, missiles and soldiers against stone throwing children. I did not expect the embassador to admit to any wrong doing by her slaughtering soldiers, but I would have expected her to show the people of Norway some respect by not lying. All Norwegian have through out the last 20 months watched pictures and listened to/read about killing of Palestinians by Israelis.
The embassador even said the Palestinian refugees in Jardin were to blame for the many died in an Israeli attack. According to the embassador Israeli soldiers had asked women, children and men to leave their houses before the Israeli soldiers went in. With the experience of Sabra and Schatila I understand very well that none of the inhabitants of the refugee camp at Jardin left their houses. In Sabra and Schatila Palestinians were killed while Israeli soldiers blocked the entrance to the refugee camps.

If Jewish audacity/swindle, Chuzpe, is right, then resistance must be a national duty.

Heil og sael

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