Friday, December 28, 2012

Jenin - Ariel Sharon's town of Genocide on the Palestinian people

The New Stürmer
Year 2002
"Jesus and Hitler Told the Truth about the Jews."
Dear kindred and fellow Aryans
Over the last days we have heard of Israeli soldiers killing up to 1,000 Palestinians in the town of Jenin. As in the refugee towns of Sabra and Schatila in Lebanon Ariel Sharon is responsible for the killing of innocent children, women and men. But is he the sole person responsible?? Let us look at who have been providing Israel with military supplies such as guns, helicopters, F16 air-planes over the last 40 years. Who have closed their eyes to the military build up in the state of Israel?
The two last questions can be answered with American politicians/presidents. They have given in to pressure from the Jews in USA to give Israel access to US military equipment, the politicians and presidents have even allowed military equipment to be stored in Israel, equipment the Israeli army can use without asking anybody.
After much pressure from Europe and Arabic states the US president, Georg W Bush Jr, now, April 19, is open for an international investigation to what really happened during the free killing days of the Israeli army in Jenin. Did Bush Jr. OK the investigation hoping he and other US presidents will come out clean should the investigators look after who supplied Israel with the weapons and equipments to carry out the genocide of Jenin?

Refugee camps on the Gaza-strip
The Israeli army have now moved the killing machine to the Gaza-strip. Ariel Sharon have obviously not tasted enough Palestinian blood. And Sharon’s good body, Georg W Bush does not do anything to stop the Israeli killer.
Had it been the Iraqi president who had killed one single Jew, the US military machine would have dropped depleted nuclear bombs all over Bagdad and Iraq. Nut since tgeh killer is a Jew the US stand still and let the killing go on — reason it is only Palestinians being killed.
Sharon is a nice Man and a Man of peace?
Some days ago, on April 17, Georg W Bush Jr said this to the press: "Sharon is a nice Man."
Calling Sharon a man of peace is an insult not only to the Palestinian people, but to the whole Islamic people.
  Ariel Sharon the killer of Sabra and Schatila.   The man behind the killing at Jenin in Palestine too
A killer like Sharon can only be called "a man of peace" by one who have larger killings on his agenda then those of Sharon.  Looking at what Bush Jr have done we can surely say he has a long way to go until he can master Sharon in killing. But does Bush Jr intend to continue his war on terrorism until it ends up in a new world war?  If so he will really be the greatest killer of them all.
I am overwhelmed over who Bush Jr calls a nice man and a man of peace.   Sharon is known for the genocide of Sabra and Schatila in Lebanon, he was the prime reason for the start of the intifada, and now for the genocide in Jenin.  Over the past twenty months Israel have killed more then 10.000 Palestinian children, old women, men and stone throwing youths.  In Jenin alone 1,000 Palestinians have been massacred. All this killing is Sharon’s responsibility. And that man the US President calls a "nice man". I wonder who Bush Jr’s  would say is an evil man or a killer.

UN investigation into the genocide of Jenin
In any criminal case where guns is involved and killing has been carried out the investigators will look for how the killer(s) got hold of the/their weapons.
I hope the coming UN investigation, if one is carried out - will investigate who provided the Israeli army with weapons, F16s and other military equipment. Israel did not purchase the weapons and equipment — no it was given to them by various US president/politicians. As such at least according to European laws the providers of the deadly weapons are criminal responsible for what the weapons were used to. Especially since they, both presidents and politicians, must have known the equipment and weapons would be used to kill.
What does not surprise me a bit is that the well-known killer Ariel Sharon is against an investigation of the genocide of Jenin. He as a Jew can not see any crime or genocide been carried out, firstly because the killing of gentile according to the talmud is a sacrifice to the Jewish god, and secondly because only Jews can be exposed to genocide. (I leave it up to you to find the correct quotations in the talmud saying killing of goijm is a sacrifice to the Jewish god.)
Why don’t the World act upon the Genocide?
The world’s leaders are all converted Jews — converted through their member-ship in freemasonry — and as such they can not attack their fellow Jews. It is better to let a few thousand Palestinians/goijm being killed then to harm a Jew, hence the Jews keep on killing innocent Palestinians.
Just wait — when Jews have killed all Palestinians living on the West Bank who will they then kill to stop the blood thirst? Will they come for you? Will they say you are a terrorist or will they just say you are a Anti-Semite/Khazar?
It is really deplorable that none of the world’s leaders act and demand a stop in the Jewish killing in Palestine. The world can go in with military and stop the genocide.
We are all guilty in the killing in Palestine. We all were warned that this would be happening if the Jews got into power. Hitler warned us, so did many other good men of Germanic blood. But most of all Jesus warned us as he called the jews Satan’s children — John told us Jesus did so, read John 8, 44: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it. " (Emphasized by me.)
Their friends I leave you with the Lord Jesus Christ’s words on the Jews, please do remember them.
If Jewish audacity/swindle, Chuzpe, is right, then resistance must be a national duty.
Heil og sael


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