Friday, December 28, 2012

Terrorism - unknown to Jews???
The New Stürmer
Year 2002
 "Jesus and Hitler Told the Truth about the Jews."
 Dear kindred and fellow Aryans
The heading of this article ends with a question mark because I want you to think a little before you read the following.

Jewish terror
To day’s media is full of tails on Palestinian terrorism inside Israel. We are overflowed with information on various Palestinian setting off bombs in markets, bus stations, inside hotels etc.
I ask you to think back to what you have read:
- on the Communist Revolution in Russia some 85 years ago. I also ask you to think back to what I have written on the terror government during the Communist Soviet era.
- of Communists in Germany during the first years after WW1.
- on Communists in the Democratic Republic of Germany between 1947 and 1989.
None of the mass-media which to day are crying about Palestinian terror utter one word against the terror which the Jews carried out on Aryans in above cases. And if they said there were terror in Soviet, Germany in the 1920’s or in GDR they did not tell you Jews were the terrorists.
In 1948 the Palestinians also experienced Jewish terror. Then it were Zwar Leumi and the Stern Gang under the leadership of the firmer Israeli Prime minister Menachim Begin. Did the Western Media react then or did they call Begin’s gang a gang of terrorists? NO!
On one occasion Menachim Begin said: "We must kill ever larger numbers of Palestinians until they submit."
In 1948 Zwar Leumi and Stern Gang started with Jewish suicide bombers, blowing themselves up near Arab guard houses on the banks of the Jordan river, before they could detonate the dam of the river, flooding hundreds of squar kilometers of agricultural land and some 20 Palestine villages. Thus, a retreat from current, effective Palestine resistance tactics, would mean a loss of activity momentum, gained over several months.
Have you seen anything regarding the Jews terrorists of 1948 in the media of to day?? Why haven’t you seen anything? The Jewish media don’t want the world to remember and know that Jews are terrorists.
The leading terrorist among the Israelis, Ariel Sharon, has once again started a blood bath on Palestinians. To day we could learn that over 70 Palestinians were killed in a refugee camp outside Jenin on the Westbank. This killing is not unlike the killing of Sabra and Schatila. In Jenin it were Jews doing the killing, in Sabra and Schatila the killing were carried out by Israeli-agents under Jewish supervision and led by Ariel Sharon. In Jenin the killing is carried out by Israeli soldiers under supervision of the slaughter Ariel Sharon.

Torture in Jewish prisons
To day the world once again heard about torture carried out by Jews. The news came to us from a Jewish/Israeli group called B’Tselem which brings us the news. The torture B’Tselem talk about are breaking toes of prisoners. I bet you the Jews do more then breaking toes on the about 1,500 prisoners they have captured during the last three weeks. Personally I have seen pictures of Palestinians blindfolded, kneeling in streets of Palestinian towns. I have also seen pictures of naked Palestinians with the genitals shot off.
Concluding remarks
Jews have been killing, torturing and terrorising Palestinians for the last 54 years. Why?
Firstly because they don’t want Palestinians to live within Biblical Israel. Be mostly because talmud demands them to kill goijm. Killing of goijm is a sacrifice to their satanic god.
The demand of their satanic god is also the reason why no US-politicians demand President Georg Bush jr to act. All leading US-politicians are freemasons and they get their priorities from the Jewish B’nai B’rith order for Jews.
I a coming article I will tel you about the bounds between B’nai B’rith and the freemasons.
If Jewish audacity/swindle, Chuzpe, is right, then resistance must be a national duty.
Heil og sael


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