Saturday, December 29, 2012

Lies Repeated - Now it is Saddam Hussein and Iraq Who Suffer
The New Stürmer , Year 2003
Jesus said, the Jews are liars, hypocrites, and deceivers. They twist the truth to their benefit and give us lies.
Dear kindred and fellow Aryans,
I trust you remember when Boy George said he wanted Saddam "dead or alive". You probably thought that was the first time anyone had ever uttered such words when speaking about another politician and leader of a nation.
 Friends, think again. On September 4, 1939, the Jewish-owned newspaper "The Daily Mirror" on page 10 printed the following.

This is the article from 1939 on Hitler:
ADOLF HITLER, alias Adolf Schicklegruber, Adolf Hittler or Hidler
Wanted for the murder of over a thousand of his fellow countrymen on the Night of the Long Knives, June 30, 1934. Wanted for the murder of countless political opponents in concentration camps.
He is indicted for murder of Jews, Germans, Austrians, Czechs, Spaniards, and Poles. He is now urgently wanted for homicide against citizens of the British Empire.
Hitler is a gunman who shoots to kill. He acts first and talks afterwards. No appeals to sense can move him. This gangster, surrounded by armed hoodlums, is a natural killer. The reward for his apprehension, dead or alive, is the peace of mankind.
Wanted for the kidnapping of Dr Kurt Schuschnigger, late Chancellor of Austria. Wanted for the attempted kidnapping of Dr Benec, late President of Czechoslovakia. The kidnapping tendencies of this established criminal are marked and violent. The symptoms before an attempt are threats, blackmail and ultimatums. He offers his victims the alternatives of complete surrender or timeless incarceration in the horrors of concentration camps.
Wanted for the larceny of eight millions of Czechoslovak gold in March 1939. Wanted for the armed robbery of material resources of the Czechoslovak State. Wanted for the stealing of Memelland. Wanted for robbing mankind of peace, of humanity, and for the attempted assault on civilisation itself. This dangerous lunatic masks his raids by spurious appeals to honour, to patriotism and to duty. At the moment when his protestations of peace and friendship are at their most vehement, he is most likely to commit his smash-and-grab.
His tactics are known and easily recognised. But Europe has already been wrecked and plundered by the depredation of this armed thug who smashes in without scruple.
Wanted as the incendiary who started the Reichstag Fire on the night of February 27, 1933. This crime was the key point, and the starting signal for a series of outrages and brutalities that are unsurpassed in the records of criminal degenerates. As a direct and immediate result of this calculated act of arson, an innocent dupe, van der Lubbe, was murdered in cold blood. But as an indirect outcome of this carefully planned offence Europe itself is ablaze. The fires that this man has kindled cannot be extinguished until he himself is apprehended — dead or alive!
(The above is a rewrite of the article in The Daily Mirror of September 4, 1939. )

Churchill on Hitler
 Adolf Hitler                         Winston Churchill                                                    
Before I start a critical look at this statnic article I will give you a quote by Winston Churchill to Hitler; the quote is from The Times, November 7, 1938. As you all know, Churchill was a Jew - his mother was a Jewess. As you also know from David Irving’s books on Churchill’s war, Churchill by 1938 was a member of the London-based Jewish organisation The Focus. This is what Churchill had to say about Hitler:  If England should ever suffer a national misfortune like that of Germany of 1918, I will pray to God to send us a man of your power of will and spirit!

God did not send a Hitler to England even though she needed one after WW2. Churchill had given away English colonies during WW2. England’s economy was a disaster, even though England participated in the robbery of Germany after WW2 . Probably God did not like what he had seen of England’s behaviour during WW2. whatever reason God might have had, he did nor send a man with the power and the spirit to save England as the Jew Churchill had wished for.

(My comments and views on the article in The Daily Mirror are in light of today’s international events.)

  Boy Georg W Bush jr                                       Tony Blair 
The Jews and Boy George and Blair of the UK accuse Saddam of killing his own citizens. Hitler had not killed anyone accept those who had betrayed Germany. How come the Jews did not say so in 1939?
Saddam Hussein                                   Jew Sharon
I am surprised that Boy George and Blair have not mentioned the massacre Sharon carried out in Sabra and Shatila in Lebanon in 1982. In addition to those killings the Jew Sharon is responsible for killing thousands of Palestine children over the last two years.
I will in this context only mention the killing of Indians taking place in India during the 1930s. The British killed Indians fighting for freedom from Jewish/British oppression. The Jews failed to mention that killing then and now.
They also failed to mention the killing of children in Afghanistan during US bombing raids in 2002.

Up till now the Jews have not accused Saddam of kidnapping anyone. I really do not know why they have not accused him of that.
Osama bin Lasen 
They have accused him of contact with a "known" terrorist, Osama bin Laden. Boy George has even accused Saddam of helping Osama to get hold of weapons of mass destruction. But he has not shown where Saddam produces these weapons.

Just as Hitler once was accused of stealing Memelland, Saddam has been accused of stealing Kuwait. He has also been accused of stealing money from the Iraqi people. This is money the UN have allowed Iraq to use for medical supplies and which Saddam has used to buy weapons. No proof has been given for the allegations, but when did Jews need proof for their lies?
Saddam is also accused of stealing peace from mankind. He has been held responsible for the war between Iran and Iraq during the 1980s and for war on the Kurds. In Iraq, Iran as well as Turkey the Kurds are looked upon as terrorists - all three countries have been at war with the Kurds, but only Saddam is accused of killing Kurds. Could one reason for not accusing Turks for killing Kurds be that the USA needs Turkey to help in the war on Saddam?
The Jews fail to tell us about the theft of land carried out in Palestine, where Israel steals land from Palestinians and allows Israelis to settle on occupied land. A crime of war in addition to a theft.
Boy George and his lap-dog Blair have both accused Saddam of companionship with the gruesome Osama bin Laden - the known "terrorist." This means Saddam is responsible for the September 11 attack on the World Trade Center in New York and on the Pentagon. This means Saddam, like Hitler, is also responsible for at least arson.
Let me first draw your attention to the allegation that Hitler stole gold from the Czechoslovak state in March 1939. I refer to an article I wrote in 2002, Germany Looted Gold During WW2.
In that article you will find a notice from a Norwegian newspaper, Aftenposten, from November 10, 1999. The article says Russian soldiers stole 396 kilogram of gold from Jews in 1948. Is it not remarkable how Jews could have laid their hands on 396 kilograms of gold between 1945 and 1948 in a communist governed Czechoslovakia???? Especially remarkable since Hitler stole all gold belonging to the Czechoslovak state on March 1939. One explanation could be that Hitler did not steal any gold belonging to Jews living in Czechoslovakia during WW2.
Since the Jews claimed Germany stole gold from the Czechoslovak state in 1939, they, the Jews, must be able to show proof of such theft. One could not move gold from a national bank without signing for it. Not even Hitler could do so.

Concluding Remarks
I trust you see the resemblance between the accusations on Hitler in 1939 and those on Saddam in 2003.
I also trust you see the lies behind the Jewish propaganda.
Condoleezza Rice said on February 2, 2003, to an Egyptian newspaper called Sunday, that the USA will rule Iraq after that country has been conquered. Why do the USA want to rule a country
like Iraq???? The word is oil. Iraq having the second largest reserves of oil and the USA having a great need for money should explain why Boy George needs to rule Iraq.
I do not think the USA will ever let go of Iraq once they have laid their greedy hands on all that oil. Remember Israel also needs oil to exist. And the USA is a puppet in the hands of the Jews.
I would say it is theft if the USA takes over the rule in Iraq after a war. I ask you if the Jews would agree with me on that?

The propaganda we see today is as bad as that before WW2.
Who stands behind the propaganda today, and who stood behind that before WW2? Jews. Do you believe their lies today? I do not. I hope we soon will be able to get out of the web of Jewish lies.
Do your utmost to help the world to get out of the grasp of the evil Jews.
In the face of Chutzpah, Jewish audacity and swindle, resistance must be a national duty.
Heil og sael
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