Saturday, December 29, 2012

When will America Learn?

The New Stürmer, Year 2003
"Jesus and Hitler Told the Truth about the Jews."
Jesus said, the Jews are liars, hypocrites, and deceivers. They twist the truth to their benefit and give us lies.
 Dear kindred and fellow Aryans:
Ever since the beginning of the 1900s the USA has supported Jews in whatever they wanted. The Jews moved into the American society in many ways, into the churches and politics to only mention two. In politics the Jews moved with their money by paying for politicians’ expenses to promote themselves in election campaigns. Into churches they moved as baptised members, Marranos, and started to speak of love among all people. Let us first look at the churches.
Remember that most Europeans immigrating to America did so because they were religiously persecuted in many European countries. Many of the immigrants said the churches they were going to found in the new country should be free of persecution of any kind. I will admit such a desire is good, very good, but what the immigrants forgot were the evil ways of the Jews. The Jews had partly been behind the persecution in Europe, they were even leaders in some of the religious communities founded in Europe. Calvin was a Jew, he never told any of his followers that. Neither did other Jews.
By moving into the churches the Jews could control the teachings of the church, they could even control the writings in the Bible. If you don’t believe me, look ut the various translations of the Good Book over the last century and see what changes have been made regarding the Jews. Luther’s translation to German was true when it came to the Jews, so were all the translations based on this for some hundred years, but the Jews with their Talmudic evil came into positions in Christian societies and started to rewrite the Lord’s Book to suit their needs. You all can learn this by following how the various translations changed over the years. For every translation one truth about the Jews has been taken out. And it has all been done to deceive the Christians.
  Martin Luther
Martin Luther told us about the Jewish lies and how they deceive us every day. Had I been in a position to influence all Christians I would have asked them to read Luther’s book, The Jews and Their Lies. You can read the book on my web site. Please do read the book, and also tell all your friends about it. But Martin Luther did not only give us that book, on the net you can read his Table Talks; you can find them at
Go to the above address and read what Martin Luther said -- even if he said this some 380 years ago, his words have immense meaning to us who all live in a Talmudic world.
Leiv Eriksson discovers America, painting by Krogh 
The Jews did not discover America even though they travelled with the Jew Columbus.  America was discovered by Leiv Ericsson and he was born on Iceland of Norwegian ancestors.  You can read about Leiv’s discovery of America/Vinland on my web site - New Sturmer 2002 Edition.
Christofer Columbus 
The Jews did not cultivate the West, neither did they fight the Indians, but they were willing to make money on the many Indian lands, selling bad meat to the Native Americans. You do know your own history I presume, so I do not have to tell you how the Jews made money off the Native Americans.
They have through their Talmudic teachings taken over our schools. Our teachers are educated to serve the Jewish cause and to destroy the minds of our children. In America it is illegal to sing Christian songs; even before Christmas such songs cannot be sung. Why? Because the Jews are afraid our children might feel special and start working against the Jews. I ask you, is it forbidden to sing any Jewish songs at school? NO! Such songs are allowed because they kill the spirit in our children. The Jewish songs teach our children to be obedient to the Jews.
The church priests and church superiors are brainwashed by Jews and are consequently lackeys of the Jews. These lackeys must be stopped. If they are not stopped we cannot get the Jews out of our lives.
I remember when European schools used to open with Christian song every day. That time is gone, no Christian songs are sung in schools anymore unless during Advent and then only in special situations. If a Christian song is sung the pupils have to sing a Jewish one also; if they don’t, the local rabbi will send a letter to the school’s headmaster. Headmasters don’t like such letters and every teacher is told the importance of remembering the Jewish suffering and the 6 million dead.
Some European schools even celebrate special Jewish holidays. Could you imagine a Jewish school celebrating a Christian holiday like Christmas if a Christian child were a pupil in a Jewish class? Why should we treat the Jews with special care? The only reason I can find is because we want our children to start hating Jews. Since that is not the case I must say all our teachers and politicians are morons. All teachers and politicians promoting the Jewish cause should be tried for high treason.
Have the Jews allowed us into their temples? No! Have they allowed us to rewrite their satanic Talmud? NO! And they never will. They are divine -- at least that is what they tell us. I hope none of you look upon Satan’s children as divine. I look upon the Jews as children of Satan -- a kind I will never mix with.

Jews Deceiving the USA
Over the last 57 years the USA has sent money and aid to Israel -- money which could have been far better spent at home helping needy Americans.
The USA has given Israel highly advanced military equipment. What have the Jews done with this equipment? Sold it to the USA’s enemies. Does the USA punish Israel for this? No, the USA sends Israel more weapons to resell.
Israel: America's Tar Baby Magnified! This great big lumbering hulk of a country is now stuck! Grotesque for an essentially still Aryan country!
Wherever he is, the Fuehrer must gloat that it took some sixty-plus years for America to catch up on the lessons that Third Reich Germany was faced with when Israel didn't even exist. I just hope that America will have enough time to learn those painful lessons and pull away from the gaping abyss. While there is time. While they still can. Do you think the USA will pull away? I don’t think they ever will. All American politicians are too willing to kiss Jewish ass to ever turn on Satan.
The Jewish communities in the USA are all spies for Israel -- and the USA looks for people like Osama bin Laden. Do you believe that! What the USA should be doing is follow all Jews living in the USA and expel each Jew misbehaving against the USA.
Some pro-Israel pundits ask Americans to read the Koran. What all Americans should be reading is the Talmud. The Talmud teaches that all gentiles deserve death; and though it doesn't urge Jews to kill us all, it does help explain Ariel Sharon.
Even most American Jews are naive about this. In America, Judaism, like Catholicism, has been "refined" into a virtual Protestant denomination, part of what has been called our "civil religion." If you read the Talmud you would see how civil Judaism is. Not one single part of Judaism is civil - it calls for killing and murder of all people the Jews do not like.

Christian Missionaries
Many Christian missionaries travel all over the world spreading the Gospel. Most countries allow such activities. But the freedom loving country of Israel does not allow Christian missionaries. Should you go to Israel to convert a Jew to Christianity you would end up in jail. Yes, freedom is highly esteemed in Israel.
Why do we then allow the Talmudic Jews to spread their evil Talmud in our schools? Because nobody has the guts to tell the Jews to back off. We do not need them around our children, we do not need them in our countries. And we definitely do not need them in our churches.

Do We Need the Jews in Our Countries?
No, we do not, and we never did. The Jews have forced themselves upon us. We should ask them to leave us in peace. Now the Jews have a country of their own they can live in. Why do they then live in our country? Because they are afraid we might discover how bad they really are should they leave us.
All whites around the world, unite against the Jewish badgering of your countries!
Ask all Jews to leave all western countries. If they cannot or would not live in Israel they could go back to the Asian country they once crawled out of.
In the face of Chutzpah, Jewish audacity and swindle, resistance must be a national duty.
Heil og sael
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