Sunday, December 9, 2012

Mossad Bombs Hotels in Amman, Jordan

Hyatt Regency, Radisson, and The Day's Inn

The Target Was This Wedding

The Radisson Bomb Was Planted In A Wedding Reception Hall
This bomb killed 40 plus - 17 from one family

The Second Bomb Was At The Hyatt Lobby


The Third Bomb Was Outside The Day's Inn
The total dead for these three bombings is at 59, and climbing.

Jordan's King Abdullah, And His Wife Queen Rani

Zionists Will Even Use Allies For Terror
King Abdullah, who is a pro-US/Israeli poodle, and runs Jordan as an Israeli satellite state, wasn't even spared by Zionists and their intrigue.
Abdullah, who trusts Sharon implicitly, will actually believe that "Al Zarqawi and Al Qaeda" were so evil that they would blow up a Muslim wedding party. Just another chapter to convince the world how evil the non-existant Zarqawi, and the imaginary Al-Qaeda are.


What Happened
A remote-controlled car bombs was used on one hotel, and suicide bombers hit the other two, in the Jordanian capital of Amman. The blasts were coordinated within minutes of each other like Sharm Al Shiekh, and Taba.
The story being pushed is, 'Amman was chosen because it has become a base for Westerners who fly in and out of Iraq for work'.  Affluent Iraqis who have fled their country's violence stay there.
There were no Israelis, or Americans killed, and the suicide bomber story fell apart.

Israelis Received Warning And Left
A number of Israelis staying on Wednesday at the Radisson hotel, were evacuated before the bombing by Jordanian security forces, apparently due to a specific security alert. They were escorted back to Israel by security personnel. An Israeli newspaper article exposing this, was later pulled.
Jack Straw
Straw, who is a Jewish Zionist, was in Amman, and gave first-hand description of the events and assured King Abdullah that Britain and Israel were his friends.

In 1920, at the San Remo conference,  the League Of Nations gave the British the 'Mandate' to administer the territory of Palestine. The British split the area and created 'Trans Jordan', and put King Abdullah in charge.

League Of Nations
This was nothing more than a scheme by President Woodrow Wilson and his advisor/controller, Colonel Edwin Mandel House, for control of various lands. It's roots were in the Versailles Treaty, and the Balfour agreement.
 After the Zionists dragged the USA into World War One and defeated Germany, the British Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour made up the 'Balfour Agreement' with Lord Rothschild. Palestine was chosen to be the homeland for the European Jewish communities.

Jordan's rulership, from Adbullah I, on through King Hussein, were Pro-Israeli. In July of 1994, King Hussein signed a peace agreement with Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin. The main water source for the area is the Jordan River, and King Hussein gave Israel most of the water rights.
Jordan Facts
It's population is 5,759,000, of which 1,788,000 are Palestinian refugees, and another 823,000 are Iraqi refugees.
Jordan's Ruler Today
Abdullah II was the eldest son of King Hussein and Princess Muna Al-Hussein. He was educated at St. Edmund's School in Surrey, England, then attended both Eaglebrook School and Deerfield Academy in the United States, and finally attended Georgetown University in Washington D.C.


Jordan Rulers
King Abdullah King Hussein King Abdullah II
1882 - 1951 1935 - 1999 1962 -

King Abdullah was assassinated in July of 1951, by a Palestinian opposed to Jordanian tolerance of Israel. In 1957, Egypt, Syria, and Saudi Arabia signed a ten-year pact which furnished Jordan with an annual subsidy of $36 million, which was dissolved when Hussein refused to sever British and Israeli ties.

Jordon Today
Abdullah is constantly in touch with Sharon. Most would consider Abdullah to be a puppet that sold out his people.
Someone organizes a Pro-Abdullah rally, when an entire country should be outraged, and call for Abdullah's head.
Israel Hinted At CIA Involvement
Someone leaked that the USA had bombed weddings before.

What Does It All Mean?
The news media is cautioning that America will be next. Maybe a convenient shoot-down of an American airliner by a shoulder-fired SAM, at a busy US airport?

If that were to happen, Americans would be so enraged, that they would go along with Bush's plans to attack Syria and Iran.



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