Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Jewish High Council
The Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) is launching legal action against the Adelaide Institute’s Dr Frederick Toben for his failure to obey a court order to remove anti-Semitic material from his website.


Toben Is In Iran
But the ECAJ will have to wait until Dr Toben returns from Iran, where he is pushing his revisionist views at a conference on “Holocaust history”, to serve the 62 year old with contempt-of-court papers.

Judge Ordered Toben - 'Do Not Offend Jews'
In a landmark ruling in 2002, a Federal Court of Australia judge, Catherine Branson, ordered Dr Toben to remove anti-Jewish material from his website that was likely to “offend, insult, humiliate and intimidate” Australian Jews.

Jewish High Council President
Grahame Leonard says: - 'Toben refuses to obey, and will be punished! Even as we speak, he spreads heresy in Iran.'
The Council Is Noted For Helping Australian Jews
Items like German Pension Payments are a top priority. If you worked in Germany, or in occupied Europe, you are entitled to a pension from Germany. If you were in the Lodz ghetto, additional funds can boost your pension.
Will Ordinary Australians Foot The Bill?
The High Council is providing Jewish students with a annual scholarship of $2,500 dollars, likely funded by bank annuities. The instruments are resold bank to bank, until they are declare in default.
A potential $500 million dollar loss for every day working Aussies.

Yair Miller  Of Victoria
He can help on the German-Jewish pension paperwork. A page on all German and Australian entitlement benefits available to Jews.
Anton Black Of The Victoria High Council
As all holocaust historians, he would hope Australians consider a monetary solution to help aid the Jews. Where were the Australian voices when the trains pulled into Auschwitz?
The Internet Is A Big Concern To The Council
The growth of '' enables hate mongers to spread filth like this, and has to be stopped.

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