Friday, December 28, 2012

Mr Fagan - the Jew Strikes again
The New Stürmer Year 2002
"Jesus and Hitler Told the Truth about the Jews."
Dear kindred and fellow Aryans
I am sure you all remember Mr. Fagan. He was the Jew who sued the banks of Switzerland in a class action lawsuit for money the banks allegedly had stolen from holocaust victims. I remember this because after the Swiss banks had gone through their books they came up with one Norwegian name. The day the name was announced the spokesman for the Jews living in Oslo The man was a Norwegian who before WWII had studied in Switzerland and married a Swiss girl. They lived in Norway during the war and forgot about the account in Switzerland.. They e The Jews living in Oslo did not appear on the news after the truth was known. But I bet you they got the money on the account.
I further remember Mr. Fagan because hid name is very like the name of the Jew who ran the gang of robbers in Charles Dickens’ "Oliver Twist". That gang leader is called Fagin I think.
  Ed Fagan
Anyway Mr. Ed Fagan of Jew York is out on a new robbery. And once a he goes after Swiss banks. This time he claims to represent the blacks in South Africa who suffered during apartheid. Why the Swiss banks? Because they loaned money to South Africa which enabled South Africa Mr. Fagan is a Jew - but this time I hope the Swiss banks will tell the Jew to take the lawsuit to his racial brothers - they were the ones who really kept South Africa going. The Jews were the buyers of all diamonds coming out of South Africa. And today the Jews are the ones who for the second time rip the blacks of But I am afraid the Swiss banks - they are owned by Jews - will once again close their eyes and pay their racial brother. Finally the Swiss will have to pay - cost of banking will rise and interest on deposits will fall and interest on loans will rise.
Once again Mr. Fagan - the Jew - has made a hell of a lot of money from goijm.
There are two reasons why the Jewish owners of the Swiss banks will pay Fagan the thief:
- they know he cannot support himself through honest work - no Jew can
- they have read their Talmud which says: Babha Bathra (54b): "Christian property belongs to the first Jew claiming it. "
They all live by the Talmud, and Mr. Fagan has made claiming Christian/goijm property his business. Of course he has to pay contribution to the rabbis and congregation of Jew York, but he is allowed to keep the bulk of the money he steals. That is the way of the Jews.
When will all Christians around the world wake up and say: "NO, we don’t want you in our countries anymore!"
The Jews have gotten their own country. Why can’t they go there? Because if they did who should they then exploit? If they did not live among those they exploit it will be harder to live as vultures.
But I really would like to see what the Jewish companies trading in diamonds would have said if the Jew Fagan had sued them.
If Jewish audacity/swindle, Chuzpe, is right, then resistance must be a national duty.
Heil og sael
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