Friday, December 28, 2012

Israel have the World by the Balls
The New Stürmer
Year 2002
"Jesus and Hitler Told the Truth about the Jews."
Dear kindred and fellow Aryans
Please excuse the language I use in the tittle of this article. What I am referring to is the way Israel and the Jews could get away from having a fact finding mission study the massacre of Palestinians in Jenin. Let us look at the story.
Since the topic I am about to write about to-day’s article will be a little different from my usual way of expressing myself.
I give you here three pictures of a child shoot by brave Israeli soldiers.  I got the pictures from Hal  These pictures show the Israeli army uses dumdum bullets - bullets which are illegal to use.  Israeli army is going a war crime when using those bullets
Towards the end of April UN President, the Nigger Kofi Annan, pronounced that UN would send a fact finding mission to Jenin to see what the Israeli army had done to over one thousand Palestinians. He, the Nigger, even went as far as to nominated persons that were to do the fact finding. What happened??? Israel said they did not approve of the composition of the team. Secondly they wanted both police and military persons to be part of the team. Thirdly they - killer nation - Israel wanted to decide what Israeli officers and soldiers the fact finding mission were to speak to. What a very nice gesture of Israel, don’t you think?
Have you ever heard anything like that? A war criminal is given the right to decide who are going to be judging him.
How did the world act?
USA and the Jewish lemming Georg W Bush Jr agreed with the killer nation. European nations led by the Jewish married Tony Blair agreed to the demands of the killer nation - Israel.
Not even the Arab nations acted. They could have acted as Iraq wanted - oil embargo until the fact finding mission had done it’s work. But no, Georg Jewlover Bush Jr. threatened the Arabs not to act against Israel.

Is the world gone berserk?
Not the world, but the Jews. All over the world various Jewish organisations have acted behind the scene to stop UN from sending a fact finding mission to Jenin and the Palestinian areas. The Jews did not want the world to find out about the massacres on the West-Bank. If a fact finding mission were sent to Jenin such a mission would prove that Israel had massacred thousands of Palestinians, that might have opened the eyes of some goijm and that again could have made goijm less willing to support further exploitation of Aryan nations.

How could Jews have such power?
If you need to ask that question you have been a Sleeping Beauty for more then 100 years. If you are awake now, I can tell you it was not a prince that woke you up, but a KILLER called Jew/Israeli/Khazar who aroused you.
With the power Jewish banks hold over our nations they prevented the fact finding mission to start on the tasks all normal human beings wanted the it to carry out.
Should we have expected this?
Yes, we should. Jews have never done as the world wanted it to act. Israel never followed up any of the UN resolutions. Israel/Jews/Khazars only follow the talmud - Satan’s book.
Read John 8:41 to see that Jews are Satan’s children and Satan their god.
I have been quoting from the talmud to you in many articles, and I will do so in this too. I quote to you to show you why Israel did not want any fact finding mission in Jenin. Israel had only done to the inhabitants of Jenin what their god, Satan, had demanded them to do to goijm.
Chaggigah, (15b): "A Jew is considered to be good in the eyes of God, in spite of any sins he may commit."
Zohar (11 43a): Extermination of goijm is necessary.
Makkoth (7b): Jews are innocent of murder if intent was to kill a goi.
Schulchan, Aruch Choszen Hamiszpat 388: "It is permitted to Kill a Jewish Denunciator everywhere. It is permitted to kill him even before he denounces."
How can a President of UN start a investigation on Israel in light of these quotes from the talmud.  According to talmud Israel has done nothing wrong - her soldiers have 'only' killed some Paalestinians/goijm.
Read what Ariel Sharon said in an interview with General Ouze Merham, 1956.
"I don't know something called International Principles. I vow that I'll burn every Palestinian Child born in this area. The Palestinian Woman and Child is more dangerous than the Man, Because the Palestinian Child existence refers that Generations will go on, but the man causes limited danger. I vow that if I was just an Israeli Civilian and I met a Palestinian I would burn him and I would make him suffer before killing him. With One hit I've killed 750 Palestinians ( in Rafah, 1956). I wanted to encourage my soldiers by raping Arabic Girls as The Palestinian Woman is a slave for Jews, and we do whatever we want to her and Nobody tells us what we shall do but we tell others what they shall do".
Take this quotation of David Ben Gurion: "In Jerusalem, the United Nations (A truly United Nations) will build a shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents."  
How could the United Nation be allowed to set up a fact finding mission which eventually would find Israel guilty of war crime and genocide? The fact finding mission had to be stopped and since UN could not stop it Israel had to do it.
I hope you all now see what a game Israel and world Jewry are playing. I further hope you all see the connection between Ariel Sharon’s killing of refugees in Sabra and Schatila and the slaughter of the inhabitants of Jenin - killing of Palestinians seams to have been a call for Sharon. I wonder who world Jewry have picked out to be the slaughter us, white European and Americans.
If Jewish audacity/swindle, Chuzpe, is right, then resistance must be a national duty.
Heil og sael

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