Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Greatest Evil


The New Stürmer -
Year 2003

One can not worship God and mammon at the same time.

Since the end of WW2 Jews have dominated not only the political and economic welfare of our world, they have taken upon themselves the power to govern the world of art. In order to let you study two different artists a Jew versus an Austria I give you these web-site:

I might not be the right evaluator of arts, I look at arts with my Germanic eyes. Hopefully you will as I appreciate the Austrian artist.

A friend of mine and the people of the world sent me this article - I trust you will like it.

Dear kindred and fellow Aryans

We are up against the greatest evil the World has ever known. It's the hidden rule of the World by the Jews. Prime Minister Mathahir of Malaysia, in 2003, publicly mentioned his belief that the Jews ruled the World. He was promptly denounced by many World leaders, including the American President, George W. Bush. George W. Bush, who is a self-described member of the secretive and elitist, Skull and Bones Society, termed Mathahir's comments, as being "wrong." Mathahir was also denounced by the Media, through-out the World, for expressing his belief. The strength of the denunciations have been mentioned by many, including Prime Minister Mathahir, as being proof of the validity of his belief, that the Jews, do in fact, rule the World. P.M. Mathahir carefully prefaced his statement of beliefs in regard to the Jews, by his affirmation of his fundamental belief in the "Holocaust". If Mathahir is wrong about anything--it is about the "Holocaust", which accepts the fundamental premise of the guilt of the German Nation and the innocence of the Jewish Nation in regard to what happened to the European Jews during the Hitler era.

The awful economic privations that the Germans suffered during the 20's and 30's on account of Jewish "legal" tricks, combined with those injured and killed during the same time frame, by the Jews and their stooges--gave the German people, the impetus to make themselves Jew-free. The German National Socialists (NS), in fact, took an extremely humaine approach to the JEWISH Question. Jews were the unique minority in NS Germany who had the right to fly their own flag, publish newspapers in their own language, and have their own state-financed schools. Jewish emigrants, especially to Palestine, were preferentially allowed by the terms of the TRANSFER AGREEMENT, made in August, 1933 between Adolf Hitler's Germany and German Zionists--to take immesurably more money out of Germany, than were Non-Jews. The official policy of NS Germany was to encourage the emigration of Jews from Germany, as well as the intergration into German society of those of partial German and partial Jewish ancestry--of those, who could be reasonably intergrated. The common people in Germany wildly supported the NS--not because they were haters, as is today, portrayed by today's propaganda trash--but because the people knew both that the government supported them AND that the alternative was the SLAVERY denounced in the Horst Wessel song, Die Fahne Hoch. An account by a Jewess who survived the whole of WW2 in Germany, exists. She, like many, was never harmed or arrested--but she did have a complaint. Her complaint was that she couldn't stand the refrain in the Horst Wessel song which refers to breaking the chains of slavery--which she heard almost endlessly during the Hitler era. It is submited to you, dear reader--that the reason that she so hated that refrain, was because she knew that the refrain contained the truth.

The number of Jewish survivors of the "Holocaust" is imense. One such survivor, Victor Klemperer, wrote and published, a detailed diary of the entire span of his life, in Germany, during the whole of the Hitler era. Victor Klemperer's diary, details the continued functioning of the Jewish Hospital in Berlin during WW2, (when propagandists had said the hospital had been closed) and the special ration cards that he and other Jews received, who were NOT living in concentratrion camps. Klemperer describes in detail, the foods, were never rationed, but were generally available to all, upon the basis of supply and demand, such as potatoes and cabbage, as well as those foods that were rationed. It would seem that Klemperer's great complaint was in the rationing system's discrimination against the Jews in the coffee allowance. Yet through-out his diary, even during the late years of WW2--he writes of the daily morning preparation of his coffee. Victor Klemperer's diary, does not comport well with the propagandistic view of the "Holocaust"-- perhaps that is the reason why it has been generally ignored.
Victor Klemperer

Well, now the German people ARE enslaved-but so are the rest of the people in the Western World. The main difference between the Jewish rule by proxy (the direct American Occupation) of Germany and their rule of the rest of the Western World, is the far greater degree of Jewish domination of German society, along with a much more convincing effort to disguise the rule of the Jews and their stooges elsewhere in the West. Stooges of the Jews, particularly those who run the churches--have the major responsibility for the snow job that has been done on the peoples of the West to cause them to accept their subservient position. The Jews insist on their right to be specially treated by the rest of the World on Jewish terms.They claim they have this right based upon the horrible way that the World treated them in the past, and in particular, that which the World allowed the Germans to do to them as a people. Actually, many of the "Holocaust" claims are based upon lies, distortions and propaganda.

Imagine, if you can, the hate you would have for the people--who gassed millions of your people, innocent people whose only real crime was belonging to your extended family. Well, this is, what the Jews feel. Well, that sentiment, is not only based upon incorrect facts--but it is based upon massive fraud and an evil intent, as well. The propagandistic tale of the "Holocaust" seems to have been manufactured in order to provide justification for the anticipated actions which the Jews of the future (the present), would be compelled to take in order to effect their Open World Rule. The real history of the relationship between the Jews and the German National Socialists, as of the beginning of the twenty-first century, still hasn't been published.

The Jews print the money and produce the Media/Propaganda Trash of the Western World. They are the rulers of the Western World. Because the Western World continues to be the strongest military, economic, and social segment of the World--the entire World, is in effect, ruled by the Jews, whether the people of the World, we like it not not. The Jews can and do make make laws and they can change laws, through-out the Western World--basically, at their whim. The means that they use, is both open and secret, as well, as both passive and violent. Most opponents of the Jews, oppose them secretively. They do so with good reason--not only because the Jews have been well known for assassinations, inside and outside of their group, for over two thousand years--but more importantly because of their influence, particularly their economic influence--is enough to enrich the poor, and make the rich beggars. Quite of few of those who purport to oppose the Jews--are simply stooges for the Jews disseminating disinformation and rancor.

The Jews have succeeded in making the "cream of society"--those that control other people, secretively join with them in their enslavement of all the Western Societies. Western Societies, superficially, are seen, as still dominating the World. The rest of the World, as well as almost all, of the much propagandized people of the West, continue to believe that Western nations, particularly the United States, are in fact, the de facto rulers of the Earth. For the time being, the Jews wish that the World's people continue to believe that. President, Assad of Syria, is the ONLY, current national leader to openly proclaim that The United States of America, is ruled by the Jews. The United States of America, will receive it's come-up-ence soon enough, and none will be more satisfied, when that occurs, than the Jews. They will not be satisfied until they are the open and uncontested masters of the Earth. They are close to their goal right now. The open imposition of World Jewish rule will ultimately bring disaster to the World--as the Jews have proven over the millenniums to be a quarrelsome lot. They as a society, are degenerate almost beyond belief. They have proven in the past, to be unkindly masters. I expect the future harshness of their rule of Non-Jews -- to be similar to that which they falsely ACCUSED, the German National Socialists of having had, towards the Jews themselves, during the Era of Adolf Hitler. In short, the open rule of the Jews -- will be a non-ending nightmare for the people the Jews refer to, as cattle -- the Non-Jews.

In the face of Chutzpah, Jewish audacity and outright lies, resistance must be a national duty.

Heil og sael


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