Saturday, December 29, 2012

An article appeared in The New York Times of December 18, 2004, written by Nicholas D. Kristof, about Estonia’s willingness to lend a helping hand to USA and UK in the effort to bring democracy and freedom to Iraq. Mr Kristof visited Prime Minister Johan Parts in Estonia who told him how much Estonia treasures America’s support. Mr Kristof, in his great admiration for USA’s effort to bring democracy and freedom to Iraq, suggested to the Prime Minister that Estonia should show her appreciation and send some 1,000 or more soldiers to Iraq. The Prime Minister answered: "Estonia is a small country and she has sent all the soldiers she could spare."
So far, Estonia has sent a total of 55 soldiers to Iraq; about 15 have been injured and two killed. This is, indeed, a large number for such a small country. Major Sten Reimann, who recently returned from Iraq told Mr Kristof that the Estonian soldiers, before going out on patrol ,all wonder: "What am I doing here?" The major himself asked, "Is bringing security to Iraq a worthy goal?" In return for their help in Iraq for the contribution of 55 soldiers, the Estonians will surely expect USA to help her if Russia should attack Estonia in the future. It seems ludicrous.
At this time more then 30 countries are lending USA and UK a helping hand in their great task of bringing freedom and democracy to Iraq. USA and NATO, in the eyes of Estonians, and other small counties, is now committed to use their full military power if and when, Russia would ever attack them. What is most interesting in the article about Mr Kristol's interviews with Estonians is that they regard USA as bad as Russia.
When President Bush Jr. presented his task to the world, he said: "You are either with us or against us!" On the average of the 30 countries which came to the aid of USA and UK in Iraq, each contributed less then 100 soldiers; not a large number. How many of these countries did not have the opportunity to say, "No!" What will happen to the many other European countries which chose not to be with US and UK? And then, take into account the unwillingness of some retired US military women and men, who thought it unwise, to participate in a war with Iraq. It is not surprising that the Administrations in USA, as well as in UK, have not done a better job getting the support of their own people. And again, why is President Bush willing to keep on Secretary of Defense Rumsfield, when so many in his administration believe that he's doing a poor job.

The unwillingness from other counties to help bring democracy and freedom to Iraq brings to mind the support Hitler and The Third Reich received from European countries in their struggle against bolshevism/communism during WWII. Totally, nearly 900,000 volunteers were in the Waffen SS.
Could the US and UK ever be able to bring that many volunteers into their army wherever they decide to fight? The answer to that question could be from those who are enlightened to world affairs: "Who would want to give up their lives to fight in a war where Freedom will not be the beneficiary. (There is no true victory in blood wars...its profits go to the war mongers who create wars for their own monetary gains and power.)
In 1941, Estonia contributed a division of approximately 17,000 men, who were all volunteers, to the Waffen SS. Many Estonian soldiers were killed, but the country managed to send replacements. Throughout the war the number of Estonians sent went far above the 17,000. They were soldiers fighting for national freedom which started after Barbarossa. Sorrowfully, those who fought lost out and the country was taken over by the Soviets. After the war Estonia had many true heroes to remember, men and women who had shown courage in the fight for Estonia’s freedom. In light of the thousands sent to the Waffen SS during WWII. India, with Sikhs, contributed approximately 80 men, and even 70 soldiers from England had joined the Waffen SS.
The lack of response from European countries to support USA and UK in Iraq, if one will look rationally as to why two World wars were fought, can be compared to the help given the Third Reich during WWII. The basic reason was for the survival of Europe's struggle against domination of Bolshevism and Communism which was under Jewish control.
The war in Iraq is not about bringing democracy and freedom there, but for Iraq to submit to Jewish domination. Israel is the only country which has Weapons of Mass Destruction in the Middle East. No matter how much propaganda the US and UK use to convince the world that the war on Iraq was about its"weapons of mass destruction" and then to "bring democracy and freedom" to the "oppressed" people who never asked for their services, and no mater how many times President Bush Jr and Blair, the Jewish lackeys, or any other politicians for that matter, continue to say the war on Iraq was just, will not be believed by the vast majority of every thinking woman and man who know that the vast majority of government officials and politicians are either Jews themselves or are under Jewish bride to do their bidding.
In order to get help in Iraq President Bush Jr cohered state leaders and forced countries into signing documents that 6 million Jews were killed by gas during WWII. It appears in many other countries that these participating countries in Iraq have bowed to Jewish supremacy. New members in NATO, many who were once members in the Warsaw pact, did so in order to become partners in that alliance. In order to get volunteers during WWII, the Waffen SS did not force pacts upon any country during WWII. It looked for countries that would, from their own free will, defend European culture and its people. But then again The Third Reich was not out looking for sovereigns to control, but to gain back their rightful ownership of land taken away from them.
I would like to be able to be present when President Bush and Prime Minister Blair stand in front of their masters as school boys, and try to explain why the people of Iraq have not given in. The President and Prime Minister, and also their Masters, know. But it will be impossible for the "Chosen Ones" who desire the world, and to be kings when they take over, for them to admit that their Satanic beliefs, which they are taught, are not welcomed by most of the world, including the Iraqi people. As written in the "Protocol of the Learned Elders of Zion", and in their eyes and minds, the Zionists are now masters of the world. But, and that is a huge but, most people who are aware of their conspiracy, do not recognize them as such .
For the last two years The Masters have been calling for war on Iran, and now Syria. During the last weeks of campaigning before the 2004 election in USA, President Bush Jr said he would bring down Castro in Cuba during his next presidential term. If President Bush Jr should start wars with Iran or Cuba before he has a peace in Iraq, where does he intend to get the Army? Should he try to divert soldiers to fight Iran he will have a tough time. Iranians have had several years to prepare and promise that they will kill the infidels. And do not forget, the Iranians are religious friends ready to fight the infidels in the streets of Iraq, should the US and UK continue to threaten to invade Iran.

The Air Forces of UK and USA, and maybe with the help of Israel, who also has a powerful Air Force, built with USA money, can easily fight down Iran and Syria. But without soldiers to occupy a country and bring down it’s government, their air superiority will have no meaning. Besides, how will other Islamic countries, and the rest of the world react? Not only will every US or UK consulate and embassy in Islamic countries be a target for attacks, there are many other hostile countries now, with weapons of mass destruction who seem secretly willing to gang up on the superior power of the United States and the United Kingdom, and Israel, which can be severely bombed. They would be foolhardy to expand another world war.

Why do not the US and UK politicians cut off their countries allegiance with the worldwide Zionist leaders? Because of this alliance, the lives of hundreds of thousands of fine Christian youths around the world over the last half century have been lost in vain. In the years to come it will cost the lives of even more Christian youths, who are the future power of their nations. Why do not the free people in UK and US stop their politicians? I imply that the rest of the free western world, also, must strengthen their politicians to put their nations first; and not in the hands of the Zionists, whom must be stopped in their wrongful gains.
In the face of Chutzpah, Jewish audacity and outright lies, resistance must be a national duty.

Heil og sael

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