Friday, December 28, 2012

The second Robbery of Eastern Europe by Zionist   has started.

The New Sturmer
Year 2001
Dear kindred and fellow Aryans
You might wonder why I wrote second robbery. The first was the one which started just after WW2. The first one was carried out in the name of communism. This second is carried out in the name of holocaust! In both cases the Jews as a group stand as winners and those who gain advantages from the robbery.
I hope you remember my letter on Finkelstein’s book "Holocaust industry"?   If you do remember my review of the book I told you Finkelstein told us that Eastern Europe would be the next in line for holocaust blackmailing by the Zionists.   That blackmailing has started, just read this:  
Pogrom in Poland during summer of 1941 — killing of Jews were carried out by Poles.
You have, I presume, not heard about the pogrom of Jews in the village Jedwabne in Poland in 1941. In this village between 1,000 and 1,600 Jews were burned alive. The Jews were in a barn which was set on fire. The pogrom in Jedwabne was not a unique happening, NO it happened in many Polish villages close to Jedwabne, and it happened as German troops entered Russia in the summer of 1941.
According to the Israeli news paper Yedioth Aharonoth the Polish president, Alexander Kwasniewski, will ask the Jews to forgive Poland for the pogroms.
The organisation of Polish veterans is critical to the president for wanting to ask the Jews to forgive Poland. The veterans claims the study of the history regarding the pogroms is not finished.
The story of the pogrom was made know by the American-Polish historian Jan Tomasz Gross (I presume Mr Gross is a Jew. His name does not look like Polish to me.). According to him the Poles were willing executioners for the Nazis. It was indeed the SS (who else) who took the initiative in the killings, but some poles asked if they could work with the Nazis in the killing of the Jews. Mr Gross’ history is based on saying from survivors.
The inhabitants of Jedwabne do not like the allegations which have been made on their village. The mayor, Krzysztof Godlewski, have written an open letter to president Kwasniewski claiming the history regarding Jedwabne are lies.
According to a spokesman for the Polish president the truth regarding Jedwabne must be told regardless of how painful it is for the Poles. The authorities must provide a decent remembrance over the dead and point out who killed them. (This will be the first time anyone but Germans will be pointed out as Jew-killers. (This at least as far as I know))
After WW2 23 persons were sentenced by the communists, not for any killings, but because they had participated in gathering Jews on the towns market place.
According to the German/Jewish news paper "Der Spiegel" two brothers, Zygmunt and Jerzy Laudansky, says they never were close to the barn as it was set on-fire. BUT they remember black and nauseating smoke over Jedwabne.
Motive for the Poles misdeed should have been revenge over the Jews who should have cooperated with the Soviets on deporting Poles from the eastern part of Poland. The tragedy of Jedwabne started in 1939 as soviet invaded eastern part of Poland. The atrocities which started were headed by Jews from Soviet and helped by Jews from Poland.

Jews have ways to force Poland to pay compensation
The Poles will pay or the Jews will not allow them to become members of The European Union, EU. The best Jewish lemmings are German and British politicians. Unless Poland pays up these lemmings will hinder Poland’s membership to EU.
For the Zionist it is both a question of Poles asking forgiveness, NO to the Zionists it is a question of monetary compensation, and such in US$. We have not heard the size of the monetary compensation which the Zionists have asked for. But as we know their lust for money we must aspect some hundred million US$.
Whatever the truth of the so-called pogrom at Jedwabne is not whether Jews were killed there during WW2, we will never hear what the Poles will say or what the historical investigation brings. We will hear that the Poles have asked for forgiveness and that they have paid their contribution to the Jewish holocaust-fund.

Who will be next?
Well, as professor Finkelstein said in his book all Eastern European countries will be forced to pay up. And since the western news papers are not flooded with information regarding Zionists lies we also know that the Zionists have understood the gospel which Finkelstein’s group brought in "Holocaust Industry", and that the Zionists have agreed to share the loots with their fellow Jews. And this was what professor Finkelstein wanted and threatened them with in his book.
Jews are so easy to understand. They are afraid of being exposed as liars. Which was what Finkelstein threatened to do. The Jews are not afraid of us, Aryans. Because we do not have news papers willing to expose Jewish lies. But no news paper or editor would hinder a Jew from telling what he wants to tell.
The French philosophers Voltaire said in the book on Karl 12, King of Sweden: "There are almost 300 synagogues in Poland, and as these persons, Jews, multiply strongly, they soon will be thrown out of Poland, as they once were turn out of Spain. They buy cattle and other farming products cheap and sell the same products at a very high price in Danzig and Germany, they let Polish noblemen pay high price for the luxury they like to be surround themselves with.
Voltaire said this in 1705, long before anyone had heard of any pogroms on Jews, and even longer before anyone heard of a place call Auschwitz. What the world had heard about was a small Polish village called Oswiecim, a village where Jews from the east used to sell prostitutes to Jews from the west. The Jews from east stole young girls in villages in Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and other countries east of Polish boarders. Information on this can be found in the book "Prostitution and Prejudice" by the Jew Edward Bristove. We do not hear anything about this as the Jews drive their blackmail-campaign against small and poor countries in Eastern Europe.

Why do Jews without resistance let others kill them?
In the pogrom of Jedwabne we have learned that many Jews were killed without any resistance.
In all tales from the Auschwitz/Birkenau and other camps, Jews claims they were led to the gas-chambers in orderly groups without resistance. As domesticated lambs and cattle Jews allowed themselves to be led to the scaffold for execution. Such behaviour by the Jews does not agree with what the Bible tells us about how the Jews behave. Just read Numbers chapter 31 and Deuteronomy chapter 7. For just to mention two of many examples of Jewish killing spirit.
They lack of resistance when attacked does not agree with the killing spirit we see among Jews is Israel of to day. Here we see Jews killing Palestinian children, children who throw stones on armoured cars and shooting soldiers.
The domesticated lambs/cattle who can be lead to the scaffold without resistance do not agree with the picture Jews have painted of their own actions and behaviour towards civilian Germans in post-WW2 Germany. From many of my letters you have learned about Jews killing Germans with poison, raping young girls, torturing German soldiers.
The statement that Jews let themselves be killed without resistance is so preposterous that it does not need refuting. But still the Zionists and their lemmings keep on telling us these lies.
We must cry out to have the jews stop telling us lies. We must stop letting the Jews lead us to the scaffold, for that is what they are doing. They are leading us to the scaffold . Where they will KILL us. Let us start making resistance. Let us cry out, cry out so load that everybody hear us and that the Jews finally understand that we do not believe their lies.

Jews killing Poles.
If I had been a Pole and was facing a Jewish allegation that me fellow citizens had killed some thousands of Jews, I would have told the world about all the Jews who participated in the killing of Poles at Katyn in spring of 1939. Of all the political leaders in the Soviet army 99 per cent were Jews. At Katyn the Soviets killed about 10,000 Polish officers.
As the political leaders of Soviet army were Jews we must state that the killers ar Katyn were Jews.
Heil og sael

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