Saturday, December 29, 2012

Warning of Jewish World Domination    


Today I ask myself somewhat ironically: Did I withdraw too early from the Catholic Church?

The Protestant church has since the end of last war become a refuge of the backboneless, resp. self-humiliating creepers before the Jewish star. Those one can forget anyway, they have lost for a long time its own centre!

In the Catholic Church it actually didn’t look very much better. But one showed nevertheless more backbone and dignity, one didn’t embrace the Jews, like the other lot does, in beautiful disgusting regularity in ever new measures. One asks oneself; have the Jews now the whole world firmly in the bag? They got hold of the atom bomb; pull America behind them on the golden nose ring; have the western politicians obviously all on their lists of salaries; one can hardly explain their servility any other way.

Those who don’t participate, die a strange, premature death, like Barschel, Herrhausen, Möllemann, Haider etc. The media are absolutely co-ordinated, concerning Israel and the Holocaust, all in a marvellous way, as the Nazis never reached, should they ever have aimed at it. No one stirs anymore!

And suddenly an English church man stands in the medial and political frenzy of flashing cameras, who hasn’t adapted as yet. The fuzzy, wobbling human history of ideas and their psychological legitimacies remain thus further exciting for the viewer. We unjustly assumed that the cemetery- peace of the thinking orders and prohibitions had put a leaden nightgown over the Western World.

The words of Abraham Lincoln come to mind:
“You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.”

Does the English bishop Richard Williamson save the honour of independent thinking of Europe for history? All look mesmerized but powerlessly silent upon the conquests of Islam in Europe. All look as though without opposition at the expanding interpretation-sovereignty of the Jews over the European spirit and its development history. All observe mutely and bereft of explanation the ever increasing enormous fracases of a small group of freaks and perverts, who place us „Heteros “as fascistic relics of an overcome time. The will of the lobbyists is reflected in the Christopher street demonstrations, which way the journey of the Europeans is going to go: Foolishness, flatnesses, increase in leisure, Sex, „bread and circuses“, - just don’t think for yourself, don’t scandalize, only stay nicely with it.

Bishop Richard Williamson however doesn’t adopt anything unchecked; he is no bloodless Alexandriner, no yes-man, who ducks, squirms and is frightened to say something wrong. He is of the old German kind of a Martin Luther, who hurled against the Imperial Diet at Worms: „Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise! “ (Actually he said: …I cannot and I will not recant anything for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. God help me. Amen.")  The church Notre-Dame de Lourdes is dedicated to the Mother of God. Each Sunday at 10 o'clock, Mass is celebrated by the Brothers of Pius after the old Catholic rite. The building stands on a small hill in the Rue McManamy of Sherbrooke, in a village in Canada, near the border to the U.S. state of New Hampshire. Here Bishop Williamson spoke already in April 1989 in one of his sermons on the Auschwitz topic, highly exaggerated by the Jews to the question of the century. Literally he said:

„There were no Jews killed in the gas chambers! Those were all lies, lies, lies! The Jews invented the Holocaust, so that we approve their new State of Israel humiliatingly on our knees“.

Bishop Williamson revealed world-wide - also outside of the sermons - his Jew-critical attitude for 20 years several times unmistakably.

In June 2000 he writes in the monthly appearing „Letter to Friends and Benefactors “, e.g.:
„For 2000 years the Jews have left nothing undone to infiltrate the Catholic Church and to remove Christ from Christianity. “

In October 2001 Williamson writes in the Catholic Magazine „The Scourge of Sin “:
 „In the Middle Ages the Jews were weak compared to the Christians, but over the centuries the Catholics became ever more weakly in their faith, particularly since the second Vatican Council. Thus the Jews come closer and closer to their aim, Jewish World Domination. “

Williamson has just as firm fellow combatants amongst the Pius Brothers. Thus Emmanuel Herkel thinks in his writing „Will the Antichrist appear? “ (Can be read in prominent place on the web pages of the American Pius Brothers): „The Antichrist will be Jewish… The devil will not miss to make use of their blindness in order to put the Antichrist amongst them. Christ, whom they rejected, is the Truth. Thus the curse of St. Paul will turn against the Jews… “

We may be amused and anxious to find out, how the two rivals, Jews and Christians, who are in the long run basically from the same stable, will fight their struggle for power among themselves. It is so in intellectual history that an independent-European remainder in Jewish-pocketed Christianity struggles for survival.

If the Christian Church Soul doesn’t fend off the Jewish claim for dominance with a last up-rising,  both denominations are really mere „Brothers in Abraham “, the ones the older, the others the younger, then good night Christian Church. Then it would have completely lost its right to exist, then the believers will ask themselves in a not to distant future, why at all Christ and Christians? However Christianity began its way of life as a Jewish sect.

The most effective way would certainly be the emancipation of Christianity from Judaism, thus the complete divorce, the completion of the reformation, which Martin Luther began however, but couldn’t complete entirely.

The fact that he would have been capable to do it, would he have had time enough, is proven in his old age writing: „Of the Jews and their Lies “. Then however the Christians would have to do without the apotheosis of their carpenter’s son Jesus, the Jewish Bible and the slogans of the Jewish so-called Evangelists and not least the Jewish tribal god Yahweh/Jehovah as God of the Worlds.

Too much work for a coming Reformer?

Gerhard Hess

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