Friday, December 28, 2012

Why do we not fight them — why do we not resist?  p1
The New Stürmer
Year 2001

Dear kindred and fellow Aryans

I trust you know who I am referring to as them above. With we I mean the bulk of Aryans who do not arrest the Jews for all their lies.
 I do not think I am able to give all answers to the lack of resistance, but I will try to give some.
Most of the people around you really do not care. They do not care as long as they have bread on the table, money to buy what ever they think they need. Through their banks and politicians the Jews have over the last century managed to get out of the limelight, but they still do play the most important role in our society. In the Scandinavian countries the Jews are not seen as Jews. They keep a very low profile, they never deny being Jews, but they claim to be inhabitants of the country where they live.
But let us look back to history and how they have operated. I think it is enough to go back some 200 years to the French Revolution. This was the first time the Jews really managed to lead, start and win an attack on our society. What the Jews misunderstood were the force of the people. The freemasons who were acting on behalf of the Jews as the leaders of the revolution mislead the people of Paris. The revolution therefore became more bloody then the Jews intended. It even lead to the killing of leaders all freemasons. This, the leading of the masses, they first really learned during the third Russian Revolution, the one around 1917.
The Jews tried to grab power in Germany many times between 1750 and 1920. Each time they were revealed. Many a time the Germans drove The Jews out of German cities, they even tore up pawn tickets before they drove the Jews out. It did not help the Jews that they were at good terms with the ruling classes, the peasants and workers did not want them around.

As long as Jews lived in the various cities, town and villages of Europe of the 1800, they were easily to spot because they dressed and behaved differently. As the industrial revolution got under way in Europe the Jews got more and more power. Why?? Because the various factories, firstly in England, had to borrow money. Secondly because the markets which for British companies were abroad where owned or governed by Jews. Remember the Jews had through their East India Company, the company which forced the British army to a war on China because China did not want the opium the Jews were selling.

Great Britain 
Great Britain had been a Jewish state ever since Cromwell borrowed money from the Jews Manasseh Ben Israel and Moses Carvajaal in 1657 to fight the English king. Then again in 1689 Jews from Amsterdam financed the rebellion against King James II which led to William of Orange becoming King of England.
With this and the establishing of Bank of England in 1694 the Jews had total power over England and later Great Britain. Nothing has happened in England/Great Britain without Jews having a hand in the purse or started the evil which struck the world.
As the trade with the colonies started the Jews made sure they were in charge of the money business.
I am sure you can read the history yourselves. You do not need me to tell you.


What happened as the Industrial Revolution started?
Through agents they moved the workers into believing that a Workers Organisation would benefit the workers. With these organisations they understood they had a money machine in their hands. A money machine which could be use only for the benefit of Jewish course.
During these organisations they started to brain wash the ordinary men and later women. They even manage to show off some nice looking and reliable Jews, agents who helped them in brain washing the public.


Further development

Later with the news papers, radio and moves they had the public in their hands.

Through out the last century the jews have used their propaganda machines, move, radio, news papers etc to keep us brain washed. As if the news papers and other media were enough to keep us brain washed the jews have used Freemasons and members of other secret organisations like Round Table, Odd Fellows, Temple Order, Rebecca Order and various other organisations like shouts and International Good Templar Organisation, IOGT. All these organisations have been working to braking down our resistance against the alien Jews.
In every white country the politicians have since WW2 been in the pocket of the Jews. This have been due to the election system.

Hitler and NSDAP were a challenge to the Jews.
NSDAP, being a political party in Germany of the era after WW1, was a political party among many wanting Germany to rice from the dust of the Peace Treaty of Versailles. In the time after 1917 a lot of Communist groups started new political parties all over Germany. The communists were opposed by nationalist groups, of which NSDAP were one.
Through his oratory skill, a way of talking understandable to the people, Hitler and his party gained power over Germany.
During the inflation of 20's in Germany. After Hitler took over he ordered the jews to sell back all the property they had "stolen" from German families. The Jews were paid the same amount they themselves had paid. This upset the Jews all over the world. Think here was a man who did not like their looting. This and other things coursed the Jews to declare war on Germany.

After WW2
You know as well as I do what have happened after WW2.
The freemasons of France, Britain and USA gave their countries on a silver plate to the Jews during the 20's and 30's, but it was first after WW2 the Jews really grabbed us all by the balls.

Heil og sael


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