Friday, December 28, 2012

The Blackmailing seems never to stop
The New Stürmer
Year 2001

Dear kindred and fellow Aryans
  Raoul Wallenberg once more

Norman Finkelstein
In the aftermath of Finkelstein’s book on the holocaust industry I would like to tell you how many Hungarian Jews the Jew Wallenberg of Sweden "saved" by giving them Swedish Passports in 1944-45. Raoul Wallenberg gave away between 40,000 and 50,000 Swedish passports. If you check with the next Swedish Embassy they will surely confirm the numbers of passports Wallenberg gave to Jews. Wallenberg gave passports to Jews who wanted to move to Palestine. Wallenberg was allowed by the Germans to work among the Jews of Budapest persuading them to immigrate to Palestine. These 40 to 50,000 Jews "saved" by Wallenberg can not be among those whom the Zionists clams were killed by Germans.
Well I did not intend to write more about Wallenberg. He was captured by the Soviets as their Jewish KGB-officers arrived and thrown into jail in Moscow. Wallenberg was killed by his Jews kindred sometime in the 60's.
Let us leave the story of Raoul Wallenberg. But let us ask the Judaism if they have counted the Jews "saved" by Wallenberg among the survivors or among the gassed. Let Judaism even tell us where the Jews went. They must even be able to tell us why Jews from Soviet killed one of their own.
To day I want to point out to you how the Jews finds new ways to suck money from a nation.

Blackmail of Germany goes on — now by Slovak Jews
For more then 50 years the World Jewry have sucked money out of the German nation, government as well as industry.
This blackmail goes on. Now Jewish groups in Slovakia have joined in the dance around the Golden calf, money from Germany. According to Peter Volko juridical consultant for Jewish groups in Slovakia 60,000 Jews were transported from Slovakia and gassed. The new turn in the Jewish lies are that the Germans forced Jews to pay for their own transport. Cost for transport was 500 Reichsmark per person, equivalent to US$ 1850 to day. The Slovak Jews were the only Jews in all of Europe who had to pay for their transport to Auschwitz, Madjanek and Treblinka. Almost every Jew from Slovakia ended up in the gas chambers. Of 4,000 Jews living in Slovakia to day 1,450 are survivors of the holocaust.
I do not understand why the Germans did not demand compensation for transporting Jews the long way from Norway to Poland, but did so for transporting Jews the sort way from Slovakia. Or is this just another Jewish lie.
The faith of the Jews in Slovakia started in 1942, the year when the Slovak government agreed to expel the Jews. The government was headed by Josef Tiso who was convicted and executed in 1947. Unbelievable the Jews forgot to have their faith enlightened during the trail of Tiso. But for all of us we must the thankful that they are bringing us the knowledge now — hard to understand that the Jews did not do anything during the almost 50 years when Slovakia was part of communist Czechoslovakia. But then again we know the Jews needs time to bring their lies to daylight, time for contemporary to die or forget so that nobody can expose the swindle. For now after Finkelstein’s book — The Holocaust Industry — we know their claims are based on lies and lies. We know none of them were gassed and only some 150,000 died in German camps, and those who did, died of typhus and other illnesses.
An interesting information in the question of compensation from Germany, for this is as always a question on compensation in form of money for Jews, is to learn that the Jews in Slovakia, which was part of Czechoslovakia which in 1992 negotiated with Germany a compensation for Jews, the Slovak Jews "forgot" to demand compensation or was not allowed to hand forward their claims.. But this year on March 28 a lawsuit is brought forward in Berlin for economic compensation. It is for a normal human being hard to understand that loss of lifes and suffering can be compensated by money.
The Jews living in Slovakia demand not only money as a compensation for what they lost, but NO they even want money to take care of Jewish cultural heritage in Slovakia.
What however the Jews seem to have forgotten is a document which number is U-395/45 and is issued by "Czechoslovakian Ministry of the Interior, Central Crime Office". I wrote about that number in Historical Letter no 7. In this document one learns about Jews from Czechoslovakia working as counterfeiters in Sachsenhausen during WW2.
The jews living in to days Slovakia seams to have forgotten that there even was a camp at Sachsenhausen where Jews were incarcerated during WW2. The reason why they chose Madjanek, Treblinka and Auschwitz is probably because Sachsenhausen have not been focussed lately, and had they used Sachsenhausen they would had to explain why Germans asked them to use their own money for transportation. Then there were no gassing at Sachsenhausen and consequently hard to claim Jews were gassed there during WW2. One can not get compensation for being gassed if one was in a camp were gassing was not donee — not even Jews can get that.
In this latest Jews claim for money we learn for the first time how Germany financed the gassing and transportation of Jews to the camps:
Jews paid for their own transportation and later killing.
Only so devious people as the Jews can come up with such an idiotic accusation and get through with it without being revealed as liars and swindlers.
Why this knew twist, paid transportation? A lot of revisionists have said the cost of producing zyclonB were higher then producing bullets. Which only could be understood as if the Germans wanted to kill Jews they would have used bullets NOT gas. The Jews living in Slovakia tells us why the German did not use bullets: The Jews carried the cost of gassing.
Well Now we have learned an other Jewish LIE.

Every country large or small have loans to the international banking system. If a country tried to expose the Jewish lies regarding holocaust that country would be bankrupted within a short time. Further with the military power of NATO — a military power which is in the hands of Jews. As if this military power is not enough the Jews have the economic power of the European Union in helping them to suppress all and any opposition to Jewish supremacy of any kind.
In her first response to the Jewish demand Germany have said NO. This answer is an answer given by German lemmings in view of the great resistance in Germany against the everlasting Jewish demand for MONEY. What we all know is that the final German answer will be YES. Not even the German state which should be the only country which would protect the honour of the Third Reich would go against the whishes for endless amount of money by the Lying Jews.
Not even the truth spoken by the US-jew Finkelstein will influence the final German words of the Jews from Slovakia for money.
If we wanted to help our racial brothers and sisters in Germany we should flood the German government with letters demanding the stop of giving money to greedy Jewish liars. I hope that if the German government received some thousand letters she would finally understand that even people outside Germany do not believe in the Jewish lies.
Can and will we help our German kindred?
Heil og sael


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