Friday, December 28, 2012

The New Stürmer
Year 2000
Yugoslavia has only deported foreigners living in their country. This is the background to the NATO war on Yugoslavia.
Norway has over 450.000 people that are not ethnic Norwegians. These foreigners have come to the country in the last 25 years. This, in a country whose population numbers only 4.100.000, is a very high number of foreigners.
These foreigners have brought with them their own way of living, their religion, ethics and morals. They have introduced Norway to new crimes, organized crime and gangs. Such crime was unknown in Norway only 25 years ago. They have even brought with them their dependence on drugs and have forced the cost for this dependence onto Norwegians. All this has happened under the eyes of Norwegian politicians; politicians who for more than 165 years have been in the pocket of Jews and freemasons.
Why do the Jews and their lackeys work for the destruction of the ethnic exclusivity in every country of the world? They know that if a country is allowed to stay ethnically exclusive there will come men who will see the evil Jew behind many of the problems in the country. By forcing an ethnic inclusiveness upon a country, the Jew can always start a wave of multiculturalism against ethnic nationalism. By doing this the Jews are able to steer the way that nationalism goes.
Of course there were criminals in Norway before the big invasion of foreigners, but not organized crime, not gangs of young men assaulting old men, women and young children demanding money. Nor did Norway experience any mafia-like crimes where weapons were used. Today the use of weapons is common, and killings have become an almost daily occurrence. Quiet Norwegian back yards and the countryside are experiencing crimes related to drugs and the actual use of drugs like heroin and cocaine. These drugs have been made available to young Norwegians by their "new" countrymen.
Norway has also experienced an inflow of Jews from the former Soviet Union, Yugoslavia and the rest of the world.
If Norwegians in future should start sending these foreigners home, would NATO start a war on Norway?
Yes, they would!  NATO's Jews will not allow a country to be ethnically exclusive. The Jews are afraid that an ethnically exclusive country would start looking at her Jews and want them out of the country as well. Where would the jews then go? They cannot go to Israel, no space. They cannot go to the US or the UK, too many Jews there already. Germany is not a destination for the Jews either. The number of Jews in Germany is too high.
Let us see what the Jews have done to Western Europe in the last 59 years.
On January 4, 1943 professor in anthropology at Harvard University Earnest A. Hooton wrote in the New York newspaper PM: "Shall we kill all Germans?"
During the coming occupation of Germany we must force a foreign invasion of men upon the Germans.
This invasion of foreigners was meant not only for Germany, but for all ethnically exclusive countries in Europe. Norway was one of these countries, another was Sweden. Both countries have been overrun by foreigners from all over the world. The politicians of both countries have willingly bowed to the demands of Jews and their lackeys, of freemasons and other organizations. This with only the wish to ethnically destroy the Norwegian and Swedish blood of Teutons.
What can Norway and other countries do to get rid of the unwelcome foreigners?  Send them home and prepare for war with NATO! Prepare for war from the Jewish ruled world.
Norway must begin to understand that it is a human right for a people to live in their own country amongst their own people. Norway must get rid of all politicians who allow foreigners to settle within her borders.
Not only Norway and Sweden must understand the Jewish drive to destroy ethnically exclusive nations. The world must understand this Jewish drive for ethnic destruction.
Let us stand united in the war against Judaism.

Heil og sael

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