Friday, March 4, 2011

I'm hoping for a Russian Veto in the Security Council, just like The US Veto's anything against Israel..........Everything for Israel should be Veto'ed by everyone else who did not veto the last Resolution against IsraelUN Experts Report: Israel Broke International Law When It Attacked The Gaza Freedom Flotilla On May 31st, 2010. Israel committed an act of war. Flying attack helicoptors over sovireign airspace, delibertly bombing civilians, building illegal settlements, minipulating the world, just to name a few of course..., lets put sanctions on Israel.I do not support the Iranian government and I disagree with just about everything they have to say. But I have always wondered why they can't simply withdraw their signature from the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty. It just seems like Israel has benefitted by never signing the treaty. Why can't Iran withdraw and get those same benefits?

Is it like the mafia...once you sign, you can never withdraw? Why have we never heard of a country threatening to withdraw?Sergey If you read back to the original statement he made he was asked to clarify his meaning of the destruction of israel & he said if the US or Europe feels so guilty about what happened then give them land to build a new israel on & leave the Middle East

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