Friday, March 4, 2011

Israel is also legally not entitled to receive any foreign aid from USA
under Symington amendment.

Israel stole the weapons grade material from the USA.Israel has over 400 nuclear warheads and also submarines that carry nuclear warheads stationed all over the gulf.

Israel has not signed the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty - Iran has signed it.

As much as the press likes to twist the statement made by the Iranian President, it is not factual- he stated the "regime in Israel is a brutal and violent regime and by its own actions shall be erased from the pages of time"

Netiyahooo pounced on this and started the whole omg he is calling for our destruction, blah blah blah. More LIES.

Israel has called for the destruction of other countries and has done so very openly. Netiyahoo had an op-ed piece in a prominent US paper about the case to topple Sadaam. Thank you Netyahoo for spending the blood of our children and the trillions in US money. You got your oil pipleline from Iraq to Haifa as you wanted.

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