Sunday, December 26, 2010

All of these wars amount to nothing more than a means to kill Americans and destroy liberty Be it the alleged preservation of democracy in a country split and doomed by the Zionist creation of Communism, or defending the Zionist on their own soil, America’s children die at the hands of the filthy Jew -- a monetary monster who has infiltrated our society, altered our culture, and defiled our ethics, all the while wearing the same feathers, further influencing the thoughts and actions of our citizens with every news article, television show, and movie.

It’s demonstrable, really, how so many will defend them; however, and having endured near seventy years of their influence, it comes as little surprise that so many do; having lost their right to the truth, the sanctity to speak it, and the ability to know the difference.

Bruno Bear, author of “The Jewish Question” warns that the Jew will bring the end of mankind. He lived approximately 100 years before Karl Marx -- the Jew who wrote the Communist Manifest in 1849, and he approximated the events which have led our society to what it is. Might consider reading it before opening your hole.

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