Sunday, December 26, 2010

.The article failed to mention the very high number of suicides at Ft. Campbell that have happened just in the past few years. There is everyday life stress that some can't handle. Then there's the military stress of war that is the most powerful and has the most profound impact in mulitple ways. Being a former soldier myself, the sorrow and sadness hits a depth that only families & other Welcome home if you are the luckier ones that have escaped from dying abroad. Soon you will realize there aren't many jobs out there for you in this country. Jobs have gone overseas to China, Vietnam, India, Mexico and other developing countries while you're busy fighting for George W Bush's Biblical mission.Afghanistan, waste of time, effort, money and lives. NOTHING will change. Once the US leaves and it will eventually have to it will go right back to the way it was. It's a barren wasteland with only a few fertile valleys which are used to grow opium in which various tribes fight over. You can't change the mindset of a country over a decade which has been the same for centuries.Very simple it is time to get out. We have enough problems here in the USA to fix than waste and life with war.Why? Because more than 80% of Americans supported George W Bush's invasion of the sovereign country of Afghanistan. Wars are not like street fights where you can get yourself involved quickly as well as get out quickly.

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