Sunday, December 26, 2010

Just say no to these wars and to the politicians who promote them and to the corporations who pay off the politicians who promote them.Lives are a small cost to the corporate money grabbers. There is lots of money to be made there and Corporate bean counters will be running their fingers through the profits made in these wars long after these kids are forgotten. The best we can do to counter this is to build memorials and the money for these always comes from tax payers, the parents of the brave wounded and dead."we lost 6000 marines in one battle on one beach on one day in the Phillipines. Probably loose 100 students per 20,000 per year in college do to drugs suicides and accidents."

Yea, let troops stay in Afghanistan and Iraq forever.we ve turned into a nation of cry babies as bad or worse than the french in wwll..i doubt most of the people commenting, on this site know anything at all about the history of this country or any other history, we pretty much did lay down our weapons after viet nam and 9/11 is the aftermath of that... reason we can't win a war is that it has become political and politions and tv news are the ones running it not the gernerals...

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