Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Bush Boo-Boos continue to mount! Thanks to his mistaken invasion of Iraq I am really glad GW Bush is out of the White House.
Too bad we are still paying dearly for all of his mistakes and LIES.
Thanks for creating the "TERRORIST SCARE".
Thanks for starting a bogus 10 year long war for OIL in the name of TERRORISTS.
What a JOKE. Now we all have to pay dearly.This was Bush's decision my tax dollars should not be used to pay this fine. Bush should be held personally responsible to pay this fine!!!Bush even had his own phony court "United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court" that was a "Yes" court for the administration. All they had to do was get a lousy warrant as required by the US Constitution. If law enforcement is too lazy to go before a fixed court then God help us!

Bush was a dictator and a war criminal who belongs in jail along with his buddy Dick Cheney. Hey Eric, when are you going to honor that valid outstanding extradition order that Interpol holds for Dick Cheney? You want others to honor ours, why don't you honor theirs? It's the law you know!

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