Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cigarettes kill over 400,000 people in America each year.
Terrorists kill less than 3,000 world wide each year,
While the government spends a few million to fight tobacco,
We spend billions to fight an enemy who we can't see, and who kills less people than bee stings each year.
What are they thinking? Who are they really protecting?
Is it ok for 400,000 people to die from smoking, but not ok for a few people to die from terrorists?Get a search warrant or stay out of people's private lives. That is the law. No more patriot act. Our laws are built around the constitution and the Bill of Right's. The Patriot act sure isn't!!The US government has a scanner to pick up key words on cel phones all across America.
All calls go thru a router which picks up on key words, -like bomb. Then it forwards the call to tracking centers run by the FBI.
Better watch what you say!I'd like to take a big smelly dump on GW Bush, and wipe with Cheney.
Corrupt Oil Tycoons trying to run a country for 8 years doesn't work so well.

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