Wednesday, December 22, 2010

If this was going on for months and was, as the judge said here, at least based on reasonable suspicion... what stopped them from getting a warrant? There was plenty enough time, but for some reason our government felt itself exempt from its own laws. This is clearly a bad sign since it shows they have no respect for the limiting rules set in place for them. It goes far beyond this one case.While the judge was wrong in his decision about wire tapping any muslim or muslim organization, there is one point that has been made. A couple days ago it was announced that the government was going to start keeping files on American citizens, what the truth is is that they have already done so, but had to go public with it. So ask yourself, how long has your phone been tapped? How long has your computer been monitored? Why does your cell phone have GPS, it was not originally designed for emergencies, it was put in there so the government could track you. Fear your government!!!!!its about time, who to say who is a terrorist, they say who is , bull they will use that on anyone so they dont have to get a warrant,, when one man set laws and rules its not a free america no more, the us supreme court ruled to pres bush, must have warrants on any wiretap period, and its right, to all other fools get a life morons , we will not let you change our constatitional laws to suit anyone, NO ONE PERSON MAY HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE LAWS OR ENFORCE SUCH LAWS , UNDER THE CONSTATITIONAL LAWS, SET BY OUR FOREFATHERS,LET NO ONE MAN RULE OVER OR BE A DICTATORSHIP, OR THERE WILL BE NO DEMOCRACY IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, THOMAS JEFFERSON.

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