Saturday, December 25, 2010

Deport BUSH to Iraq with Cheney handcuffed to him.pull them all out of there and out of the rest of the area. We have no bussiness there..Its not our fight to fight. They say last Christmas in IRAQ yep the move the troops over to the other countries to fight their fights. END it all NOW. Stop waisting my money.This troop reduction is an achievement for which Obama, Gates, and Hillary Clinton do not get enough credit. Sticking to the troop withdrawal schedule and keeping sufficient pressure on Maliki has not been easy. The sectarian tensions are still there. The central government is weak and corrupt, though much better than the Afghan government), and so on.
Yet nearly 100,000 troops have been withdrawn and the combat role has largely been handed over to the Iraqis. Bring these troops home! Now! Why are they even there anyway? Gulping away at our precious tax dollars, Further burdening an already overburdened economy. They are there on false premises! The original version of why they are there is no longer valid if it ever was! Bring them home. Stop this charade.Congress is about worthless to what the American people want...its really about what Congress was..always will be..they know no other way..

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