Saturday, December 25, 2010

For 4500 troops they will never have another Christmas.

They are dead.


A million Iraqis killed, displaced.

Rich billionaire oil men and contractors made out nicely....sevens and half years of stealing oil. We had an excuse for Afganistan. We had no excuse for invading Iraq except to steal their oil. Our troops are left over there protecting the oil companies. Its time for the oil companies to take care of their own security and get our soldiers out of there. The American tax payers are footing the bill for oil that doesn't benifit us. End the corruption. Obama is allowing that sleeze to continue.We should have never been there for any xmas... a good xmas present would be to for Bush to move there but Iraq doesn't want any infidels.I still can't see the Iraqis as being our “ally”, or "embracing us with open arms"; quixotically, now we have built their roads, schools, bridges, technology, and infrastructure to the point that they TRULY are a sleeping menace. Mission Accomplished?

Extended occupational warfare in today’s age is a huge blunder; glad we finally have a leader that thinks so too and has DONE what he said he would do, albeit ever so slowly.

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