Saturday, December 25, 2010

Lame Duck session of Congress,, I don't see them doing anything different. They don't do anything on a normal day. Lame Duck for that bunch of quacks! If they were doctors they would have lost half the population of the US, as fast and as good as they are!Democrats and Republicans: Two wings of the same dirty bird.90% of those voted out already have their positions waiting just 2 1/2 blocks away at LOBBYISTS headquarters...We are in a no win situation, first they took the bribes now they will be giving them..
And most will sit on the boards of major corporations and we will feed them even more...6 percent population is the biggest consumer of resources
6 percent population is biggest consumer of drugs in the world
6 percent population in the world is the biggest polluter in world
6 percent population has highest rate of divorce in the world 49% despite a lot not getting married even once.

america has 10 times more AIDS cases percentage wise than india

america has more unemployment rate than INDIA

America has Most number of cases oh HIV infected under 18 in the world

6 percent population is biggest consumer of gas in the world

america has greater income inequality than india

50 percent of poplulation has no health insurance and can not go see a doctor in india people can visit a doctor $ 1.00 per visit.

america is where health care is a big scam, doctors operate on people's back at the first indication of back pain. screws them for life yeah they walked the next day and not after that. ( now that's funny)

50 percent of population is poor and they don't even know that.

most states do not have public transport poor 50 percent can not even go to walmart. haha now that's funny too isn't it?

google all the above facts and see for yourself what an idiot you have been victim of manipulation of news at it's best .
world's biggest importer of skilled labor and they think they run their country themselves.
"What is true is not always popular what is popular is not always true."

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