Sunday, December 26, 2010

Oil has replaced the dollar as the 'reserve currency' of the world. The price of oil in dollars reflects the devaluation of U.S. currency and the inability our government to control deficit spending. The 'real price' of oil is not rising as much as the 'real value' of the dollar is falling.If I could sell oil for $500 a barrel I would, and so would you. Can't blame them for getting market price, whatever that is. It would even benefit them more not to sell oil. It's not going anywhere and if they decided not to sell for a month or two, we would pay ANY price they asked.
We are a bunch of crack babies and they are the drug lords. Only way is to kick the addiction.We should have let Iraq keep Kuwait. OR maybe we should just take their oil. Wait As I recall the war was over oil and we were stealing their oil. How did that work out?AND DONT FORGET THE 30 TO 50 CENT FEDERAL TAX ON EVERY GALLON OF GASOLINE.
WAKE UP! AND START PAYING ATTENTION.The Press butchered Bush when he was Pres and oil was rising out of control. Bush needed to talk with the Arabs. He was in bed with them. Where's the complaints now. Why is the Press afraid of Obama. Are they in bed with him. Get off your A$$ Bubba.

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