Sunday, December 26, 2010

"DOJ investigating Swiss bank accounts
may have helped Americans evade taxes"

Why all the sudden DOJ investigating
Swiss bank accounts?

Who has these accounts besides
every single politician in U.S of A?

Guess that means all US politicians
be looking at charge and prosecution?

Doubt it. Being that DOJ investigations
are 'politically motivated'

DOJ will only investigate if the
investigation will make them LOOK good.

DOJ is a jokeThe Republicans have been handing out huge tax cuts to the wealthy for over thirty years, and it's yet to be proven in any way shape or form it does whst they claim, mainly increase the GDP and there by pay down the bebt. Reagan inherited a budget that produced a small surplus , promptly cut taxes to the wealthy by 20% and added 2.3 Trillion Dollars to the national debt and it's all been downhill since then, after cutting taxes by 50% to these people they simply take it invest it in foreign markets then take the profit and hide it Banks in switzerland and Lichtenstein. Thanks to these cuts and the deregulation of the big banks we're nearly down to third world status !

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