Sunday, December 26, 2010

Investigating the small banks. Giving huge secret bailouts to the big banks. Welcome to the future.billionaires going after the millionairesAny government that thinks they can work with the U.S. should think again. It's like opening the door for the devil. Like when Pakistan gave permission for a few drones... now they are hitting targets weekly. Give the devil an inch and it will take a mile every time.There are about 650,000 ultra-rich U.S. citizens who very worried about an investigation into Swiss banking improprieties. International law gives the American government the legal right to pursue this type of fraud across borders. An investigation into the same issue in Caribbean banking would also yield results.Hey lets audit the Fed and find out how much of our money is hidden in those foreign banks…Now the ultra-wealthy will get billions in tax cuts while they can avoid paying taxes as they hide their wealth in swiss banks. it keeps getting better and better, wish I owned a US corporation, Wow!! The possibilities!While the US federal government has given away its own sovereignty by covertly keeping borders open and failing to enforce immigration laws, it desperately tries to help prop up a failing economy by arm-twisting other sovereign counties to bend to its interests. I can't wait to see the what the US government cables being published by Wiki-leaks have say about the Swiss banks.

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