Sunday, December 26, 2010

We have been working like dogs for 30 years Where are we today? If they closed the loopholes and made the rich actually pay their fair share of taxes and cut the theft, fraud and corruption, disperse, incarcerate and deport the mob, eliminate the freeloaders, confiscate the hidden illegal Swiss and other foreign bank money haven accounts ....we are just pawns and serfs in the American dream, surrounded by thugs in business suits and jumpsuits.Wealthy individuals and big corporations cry wolf while avoiding taxes all the time. Wonder when they will find bushes and cheesys money gained by the oil monopoly created to fit the failed attempt to bluff us Americans into believing the 911 attacks were not perpetrated by the ghost government that controls all !!

ReplyWealthy Americans apparently have a love relationship with Swiss banks, cheese and fine wine."Income" is profit garnered by CORPORATIONS, not wages earned by flesh and blood men and women.

Says so in the Internal Revenue Code.

So...all of you who always cry about the so-called tax evaders: are YOU a man, woman, or a CORPORATION?

This nation made it just fine for well over 100 years without an income tax.

We're almost bled to death and the unemployment rates and foreclosures bear that fact out.

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