Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hey Rupert Murdoch, your up to your dirty tricks in Spain I see. You maniacal govenment usurper news media mogul you. You and your family will be owning and running the whole world someday soon. Dictatorship is on the rise big time and the ignorant world people are blind to it! Rupert is changing his name to Adolf Saddam Murdoch! It's in the works! His 1st General position has been assigned to Richard Mellon Scaife another maniacal madman news controlling giant who manipulates his dastardly political idologies into the minds of the news medias he owns. He is changing his name to Jeffrey Dahmer Scaife.

Google these two maniacs who are trillionaires and read for yourselves. They are quite scary and very dangerous to the world's peoples!
The debt crisis in Europe is beginning to spread, Greece, Portugal, Ireland, Span, Italy and Britain like dominoes they begin to fall. Here we go again another financial crisis only this time it is not the stupid banks and Wall Street, entire nations are failing and that will be devastating globally.

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