Sunday, December 26, 2010

Mr. Obama is too smart to follow a religion made by man .. i know for sure Mr. Obama and the rest of his family are worshiping Allah and Allah alone with no association to His oneness , the creator of the earth and heavens ... Mr. Obama knows for sure that Allah didn`t choose any other religion but Islam to mankind ...hey don't cover him when he's on his knees on the floor of the hotel facing MeccaThe insanity of these wars knows no bounds.

We invaded Iraq to search for WMDS, and we all know how that ended with 5,000+ soldiers dead, more than 10,000 mamed and injured, and thousands more committing suicide.

We went to Afghanistan to fetch Bin Laden. We have not been allowed to get him, instead we are now bringing democracy to the Afghans, regardless of if they want it or not.
We continue to sacrifice American lives for a lie. . . .

What the Hell!!!

I want to see the d.a.s (dumb arsches) politicians go out there and fight, if they believe in their cause sooo much!
Let Their children and grandchildren go out there and fight a lost cause. I'm sure the war would end real quick. . . .

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