Wednesday, December 29, 2010

There are 2 justice systems. One for the rich and one for the rest of us. She'll get 6 month @ a well decorated fed farm and then house arrest. If it were you or me we'd get 20 years.Why waste our tax dollars in trying to prosecute this woman, when we know that she will never see the inside of a prison.

Just look at Martha Stewart. She served time at a federal prison that was more like a country club than a place of rehabilitation or punishment.

Once she was set free, she became even more famous with her own cooking show and cookware.

Thanks to us and the media for the free advertisement, she is again a multi-millionairess.Frankly I don't want anything to do with the Dow Jones or the crooked Wall Street companies who are largely responsible for the financial demise taking place in the United States. The U.S. government is at fault for the previous deregulation of these financial institutions and then had the audacity to give money in the form of a bailout to these scam artists. The money should have gone to the taxpayers who maybe could have prevented foreclosures on their houses by the scum sucking suits at mortgage companies who caused the problems to begin with.

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