Sunday, December 26, 2010

Obviously the war is going very well, after almost a decade - they come home in body bags while we are stripped searched and dosed with x-ray at airport. The society has become very productive and truly zero-sum - having people paid to monitor and search others while being paid by people who are monitored and searched.It is very sad to read about these young people dying for no good reason. They should be alive and with their families in the US, not die somewhere with no good purpose. Stop these useless wars, please.Stop saying "Troops are my heroes" unless you really want them to die in foreign countries. People who volunteer to fight illegal wars should be made feel ashamed.So why aren't we OUT OF THESE BUSH INSTIGATED OCCUPATIONS?

And why isn't JUNIOR Bush in federal prison for LYING to the American public ABOUT WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION in Iraq?Clearly the public no longer sees 9/11 as justification to remian in the middle east. The government is fully aware of this and is devising a plan as we speak. The United States consumes the most oil of any country yearly...this so called "War on Terror" just so happens to be fought in the regin where 80% of the world's oil reserves are. I guarantee you that something will happen very soon to give us "justification" to reamin there and keep a choke hold of that precious oil. Do your research people. You'd get sick to your stomach if you really knew what's happening behind the scenes. The media are puppets and read what's written on note cards. It's all controlled and manipulated to keep you believing what they want you to hear. Dig just a little beyond the surface of lies and see what you find.

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