Saturday, December 25, 2010

Quick,, call Tech Support.

TS= "Hello, this is Bob from Dallas Tech Support, may I help you?" (spoken with a heavy Punjabi accent).

Rocket Engineer = "Kraap!! The Rocket just exploded!! What should we do?"

TS= "Try Rebooting the system, or try the "Reset" button. If that doens't work, you may have to re-install Windows".
" thank you for your call,, goodbye."

Rocket Engineer- "I knew we should have used Linux."Listen u matherchod Americans, in one word u are terrorists........u people are the biggest hypocrites the world has ever seen, ur govt. has funded the terrorist orgaanizations in the past and still doing now, ur country has the biggest unemployement rate and not the indians and most importantly ur the first ones to use nuke on civilians....remember Hiroshima ???....Now dont teach indians wht to do and wht not to do.....we dont take advice from criminals...... And last but not the least who do u think u r ??? Superpower !!.....Forget it, we dont give a @#$% on this......*%^&!@%*(it

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