Sunday, December 26, 2010

Look in the Caribbean. There is even more money there.

Wait, we can't anymore. Cheney/Bush REPEALED the treaty allowing banking transparency in the Caribbean to search out drug dealers, money launders, individual and corporate tax cheats in Feb.2000 after it took 8 years to negotiate.
And remember if was then CEO of Halliburton, Dick Cheney that moved the corporate headquarters from Houston to a PO Box in the Caribbean a few years earlier.GOP lie #314 .. the rich create jobs is a LIE .. the rich evade USA taxes increasing the tax burden on ALL other AMERICANS worst than terrorists and no one under WMD BUSH would do anything about it.As I have said before...I left the country...I have nothing in my name and my money is not even in my name any longer...I have this 3 year old laptop and nothing else and love it! Should have done this 15 years earlier!"The Wall Street banks might have been used by the regional banks to pool client money so individual clients could not be identified by U.S. authorities"

The taxes from these ill gotten gains could have been applied to our $14B debt. Wow, hide your profits illegally and get Bush Era Tax Cuts extended for two more years

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