Sunday, December 26, 2010

Socialist liberal agenda at work...private corrupt Central Banks use govt (IRS/FBI) as their enforcement arms to collect their profits (ie taxes).

Taxes are what pay the interest on the loans Central Banks provide to govt. Central Banks are controlled by private banking families (Rothschilds, Lazards, Isreal Moses Sheif, Goldman Sachs, Morgans).

Wake up people....they want to take your hard earned money AT ANY COST!This is part of the effort of the privatly controlled Central Banks/IMF to use governement enforecement arms (namely the US FBI/IRS) to trackdown tax revenues.

We all know, Tax Revenues are the PROFITS which Central Banks make when they loan money to governments.

Central Banks need to be destroyed!!!A Value Added Tax (VAT) is a simple to collect type of flat sales tax. It is used by all developed nations and it is a fair tax. The more you spend the more taxes you pay, no loopholes, no credits, to government games.

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