Sunday, December 26, 2010

the republican teapartyers rather send 1 billion $ a day to our o so good friends the saudi kings, then use the money to create jobs in renewable energy in america . sorry iam being bad, the republicans need the oil money to get elected and give those poor oil people tax breaks .o yes and there are those wars. sadam sold gas for 1.50 a gal. the war brought it up to over 3.00 $ a gal. what a deal for us the people >oil companys > only in americaEconomics is @#$%. Housing market causing a slow recovery. Cheap labor causing a slow recovery. Jobs moving to China causing a slow recovery. War is causing a slow recovery. OIL causing a slow recovery. There is something fishy going lets see, the u.s gov. wants to investigate swiss canton banks for large sums of money allegedly deposited there by swiss banks for american citizens. i know it takes high net worth individuals to do such a thing, so the u.s. gov. investigating its own well heeled citizens is comical. this country is so concened with taxes but not controlling its spending and borrowing, money deposited overseas for safe keeping is a sound business practice. it is obvious only those of us on the lower rungs are going to get duly plundered by the tax man. take the cue, when large corporations flee the country for relocation and mfg., , maybe its time our own country looks at why these people are leaving. our gov. acts like a prostitute that wants to be paid for no services rendered. no offence to actual prostitutes intended.

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